April 17, 2004: Headlines: COS - Tanzania: Geography: University Education: Clarke University: Dr. Gil Pontius served as a teacher in several universities, and as a Peace Corps volunteer in Tanzania
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April 17, 2004: Headlines: COS - Tanzania: Geography: University Education: Clarke University: Dr. Gil Pontius served as a teacher in several universities, and as a Peace Corps volunteer in Tanzania
Dr. Gil Pontius served as a teacher in several universities, and as a Peace Corps volunteer in Tanzania
Dr. Gil Pontius served as a teacher in several universities, and as a Peace Corps volunteer in Tanzania
Robert G. Pontius Jr., Ph.D.
Jefferson Academic Center Room 102
Phone 508 793-7761
Active Learning Pages
Hero Web Pages
Member, George Perkins Marsh Institute
IDCE Web pages
Dr. Gil Pontius specializes in geographic information science, quantitative modeling, spatial statistics, ecological sustainability and international development. He earned a Master of Applied Statistics from The Ohio State University and a PhD from the State University of New York's College of Environmental Science and Forestry. He has worked as a researcher in the private sector, as a statistician in the public sector, as a teacher in several universities, and as a Peace Corps volunteer in Tanzania. Most of his research focuses on land-use change and its effects on environmental issues such as climate change, biodiversity loss, and nutrient disturbance. Another aspect of his work serves the city of Worcester and local environmental organizations. He involves Clark University students in all his research. Courses he offers include
Courses Offered
Geog 110 Introduction to Computer & Quantitative Methods in Geography
Geog 260 Quantitative Modeling
Geog 391-394 GIS for Development and Environment
IDND 299 Human Environment Regional Observatory (HERO) Seminar
Current Research
1. NSF-funded Human Environment Regional Observatory (HERO) program to examine human-environment relationships in Central Massachusetts.
2. NSF-funded research to model how economic activity affects land-use change and hence nutrient flows in the Long Term Ecological Research site in Plum Island Estuary, Massachusetts.
3. Development and use of Geomod to simulate land-use change worldwide in order to examine how deforestation influences environmental health.
4. Techniques to measure the effectiveness of conversation projects
5. Creation of statistical methods to compare maps for remote sensing and model validation.
Selected Publications
R G Pontius Jr. 2002. "Statistical methods to partition effects of quantity and location during comparison of categorical maps at multiples resolutions". Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote sensing 68(10) PP. 10410-1049.
R G Pontius Jr, J Cornell and C Hall. 2001. "Modeling the spatial pattern of land-use change with GEOMOD2: application and validation for Costa Rica". Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 85(1-3), pp. 191-203.
R G Pontius Jr and L Schneider. 2001. "Land-use change model validation by a ROC method for the Ipswich watershed, Massachusetts, USA". Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 85(1-3), pp. 239-248.
S Menon, R G Pontius Jr, J Rose, M Kahn, and K Bawa. 2001. "Identifying conservation priority areas in the tropics: a land-use change modeling approach". Conservation Biology 15(2), pp. 501-512.
R G Pontius Jr. 2000. "Quantification error versus location error in comparison of categorical maps". Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 66(8) pp. 1011-1016.
R G Pontius Jr, L Claessens, C Hopkinson Jr, A Marzouk, E Rastetter, L Schneider, J Vallino. 2000. "Scenarios of land-use change and nitrogen release in the Ipswich watershed, Massachusetts, USA". in B Parks, K Clarke, M Crane, editors. 2000. Proceedings of the 4th international conference on integrating GIS and environmental modeling Boulder: University of Colorado, CIRES. (CD and www.colorado.edu/research/cires/banff/upload/6/)
Robert Gilmore Pontius Jr, PhD
Clark University
Graduate School of Geography
Department of International Development, Community and Environment (IDCE)
Assistant Professor and Coordinator of program in Geographic Information Science for Development and Environment
950 Main Street
Worcester MA 01610-1477
OFFICE PHONE (508) 793-7761
OFFICE FAX (508) 793-8881
EMAIL rpontius@clarku.edu
Welcome to the home page of Gil Pontius, who suggests you use MS Internet Explorer for this site. Right click and “Save Target As” to download any of the citations below. If you would like other publications, please Gil’s CV, then send your postal address and request to Gil Pontius (rpontius@clarku.edu).
* R G Pontius Jr, E Shusas and M McEachern. 2004. Detecting important categorical land changes while accounting for persistence. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 101(2-3) p. 251-268.
* R G Pontius Jr and K Batchu. 2003. Using the relative operating characteristic to quantify certainty in prediction of location of land cover change in India. Transactions in GIS 7(4) p. 467-484.
* R G Pontius Jr, A Agrawal and D Huffaker. 2003. Estimating the uncertainty of land-cover extrapolations while constructing a raster map from tabular data. Journal of Geographical Systems 5(3) p. 253-273.
* R G Pontius Jr. 2002. Statistical methods to partition effects of quantity and location during comparison of categorical maps at multiple resolutions. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 68(10) p. 1041-1049.
* R G Pontius Jr, J Cornell and C Hall. 2001. Modeling the spatial pattern of land-use change with GEOMOD2: application and validation for Costa Rica. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 85(1-3) p. 191-203.
* R G Pontius Jr and L Schneider. 2001. Land-use change model validation by a ROC method for the Ipswich watershed, Massachusetts, USA. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 85(1-3) p. 239-248.
* L Schneider and R G Pontius Jr. 2001. Modeling land-use change in the Ipswich watershed, Massachusetts, USA. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 85(1-3) p. 83-94.
* C Alo and R G Pontius Jr. 2004. Detecting the influence of protection on landscape transformation in southwestern Ghana. Conference Proceedings of the joint meeting of The Fifteenth Annual Conference of The International Environmetrics Society and The Sixth Annual Symposium on Spatial Accuracy Assessment in Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences. Portland ME.
* K Kuzera and R G Pontius Jr. 2004. Categorical coefficients for assessing soft-classified maps at multiple resolutions. Conference Proceedings of the joint meeting of The Fifteenth Annual Conference of The International Environmetrics Society and The Sixth Annual Symposium on Spatial Accuracy Assessment in Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences. Portland ME.
* L Paladino and R G Pontius Jr. 2004. Accuracy assessment and uncertainty in baseline projections for land-change forestry projects. Conference Proceedings of the joint meeting of The Fifteenth Annual Conference of The International Environmetrics Society and The Sixth Annual Symposium on Spatial Accuracy Assessment in Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences. Portland ME.
* R G Pontius and C Lippitt. 2004. A method to distinguish real landscape change from map error during map comparison. Conference Proceedings of the joint meeting of The Fifteenth Annual Conference of The International Environmetrics Society and The Sixth Annual Symposium on Spatial Accuracy Assessment in Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences. Portland ME.
The PDF of Pontius and Batchu (2003) is an electronic version of an article published in Transactions in GIS: complete citation information for the final version of the paper, as published in the print edition of Transactions in GIS, is available on the Blackwell Synergy online delivery service, accessible via the journal’s website at http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/tgis or http://www.blackwell-synergy.com.
You may be interested in the additional links below.
* Scientific Curriculum Vita of Gil Pontius
* Many of the methods that I have created are available in the GIS software Idrisi, which is created by Clarklabs
* To compute your own variations on kappa, right click here and use “Save Target As” to download kappapontius1.xls
* See my alter ego, Doctor Stardust, The Award Winning Entertainer
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Story Source: Clarke University
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am impress with your work, i would like to volunteer, am a university student taking geography and environmental studies