May 5, 2004: Headlines: COS - Kazakhstan: Service: Secondary Education: The Rose Caplan School: Kevin Miller served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Karatau, Kazakhstan (1997-99), where he taught English and Computer Keyboarding at a local high school

Peace Corps Online: Directory: Kazakstan : Peace Corps Kazakhstan : The Peace Corps in Kazakstan: May 5, 2004: Headlines: COS - Kazakhstan: Service: Secondary Education: The Rose Caplan School: Kevin Miller served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Karatau, Kazakhstan (1997-99), where he taught English and Computer Keyboarding at a local high school

By Admin1 (admin) ( - on Friday, May 07, 2004 - 4:37 pm: Edit Post

Kevin Miller served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Karatau, Kazakhstan (1997-99), where he taught English and Computer Keyboarding at a local high school

Kevin Miller served as a Peace Corps  Volunteer in Karatau, Kazakhstan (1997-99), where he taught English and Computer Keyboarding at a local high school

Kevin Miller served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Karatau, Kazakhstan (1997-99), where he taught English and Computer Keyboarding at a local high school

Former Board of Directors

Kevin Miller - Advisor/Board of Director/Webmaster: Kevin Miller served an advisory capacity with the Rose Kaplan School. He helped register the RKS as a nongovernmental organization with the Kazakhstani government. Mr. Miller served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Karatau, Kazakhstan (1997-99), where he taught English and Computer Keyboarding at a local high school. Kevin currently maintains the Rose Kaplan School web site and helps in the recruitment of new teachers outside of Kazakhstan.

Kevin Miller currently resides in Seattle, Washington. He holds a Master's in Public Affairs from Indiana University. Visit Kevin Miller's web site, Amerasian, for more information on him and his travels throughout Central Asia.

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Story Source: The Rose Caplan School

This story has been posted in the following forums: : Headlines; COS - Kazakhstan; Service; Secondary Education



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