May 14, 2004: Headlines: COS - Vanuatu: Snorkeling: Environmental News Network: Peace Corps Volunteer Mike Lamier leads clean-up and snorkel outing in Vanuatu

Peace Corps Online: Directory: Vanuatu: Peace Corps Vanuatu : The Peace Corps in Vanuatu: May 14, 2004: Headlines: COS - Vanuatu: Snorkeling: Environmental News Network: Peace Corps Volunteer Mike Lamier leads clean-up and snorkel outing in Vanuatu

By Admin1 (admin) ( - on Sunday, May 16, 2004 - 11:19 am: Edit Post

Peace Corps Volunteer Mike Lamier leads clean-up and snorkel outing in Vanuatu

Peace Corps Volunteer Mike Lamier leads clean-up and snorkel outing in Vanuatu

Peace Corps Volunteer Mike Lamier leads clean-up and snorkel outing in Vanuatu

Kids Reclaim The Reef

From The Snorkel Bob Foundation
Friday, May 14, 2004

PANGO, VANUATU-When the Snorkel Bob Foundation sent masks, fins, snorkels and gear bags here just in time for Earth Day, the kids were first to hit the beach. A clean-up and snorkel outing led by Mike Lamier of the Peace Corps was the first ever exposure to cleaning up for most of these kids, who filled their gear bags with trash.

Foundation Director Robert Wintner said, "These kids caught on quick--the reef and beach need urgent help, and if that means filling your pockets or gear bags with trash, then that's how we'll begin the long march to reclamation. The bags say 'Snorkel Bob Cares.' I'd say these kids can care with the best reef defenders, given a chance."

The village of Pango on Efate Island is part of the Vanuatu island nation, one of six island nations to share $45,000 worth of snorkel gear donated by the Snorkel Bob Foundation for reef preservation. The Coastal Resources Center of Rhode Island, the Peace Corps, and Rotary Clubs of Maui were instrumental in facilitating this reef salvage effort in Vanuatu, Kiribati, Tonga, Samoa and The Federated States of Micronesia.

For more information, contact:

Joan Lloyd
Media Administrator
The Snorkel Bob Foundation
3175 Hoomua Drive
Kihei, HI 96753

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Story Source: Environmental News Network

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