May 23, 2004: Headlines: COS - Lesotho: Sacramento Bee: Connor and Parker Boone are collecting books for kids in Lesotho who are taught by Corinne Fralick, a Peace Corps worker

Peace Corps Online: Directory: Lesotho: Peace Corps Lesotho : The Peace Corps in Lesotho: May 23, 2004: Headlines: COS - Lesotho: Sacramento Bee: Connor and Parker Boone are collecting books for kids in Lesotho who are taught by Corinne Fralick, a Peace Corps worker

By Admin1 (admin) ( - on Monday, May 24, 2004 - 12:40 am: Edit Post

Connor and Parker Boone are collecting books for kids in Lesotho who are taught by Corinne Fralick, a Peace Corps worker

Connor and Parker Boone are collecting books for kids in Lesotho who are taught by Corinne Fralick, a Peace Corps worker

Connor and Parker Boone are collecting books for kids in Lesotho who are taught by Corinne Fralick, a Peace Corps worker

Folsom boys' book drive for African school a grand success

By Bob Walter -- Bee Columnist

Published 2:15 am PDT Sunday, May 23, 2004

Far-flung philanthropy: Now here's an item with some reach. It's about (deep breath here) two kids from Folsom - Connor and Parker Boone - who are collecting books for kids in southern Africa who are taught by Corinne Fralick, a Peace Corps worker from Granite Bay.

Aiding the effort is Barry Boone, Parker and Connor's grandfather, who owns a business in Dixon, and some people who work for him, including Corinne's mom, Maureen Fralick of Pollock Pines.

And a cast of many.

Corinne asked for help acquiring some books for a school in the mountains of Lesotho, a landlocked country surrounded by South Africa. Maureen told Barry, and his grandkids - Oak Chan Elementary School fifth-grader Connor and first-grader Parker - took it from there.

And then some.

"It has kind of gotten out of control," said their mom, Anna Boone. The latest count is nearly 2,000 books, most of which are in her living room.

"These boys are outstanding," said Oak Chan Principal Jim Cagney. "Kind, compassionate ... and Oak Chan is a very giving community."

The problem is the high cost to ship hundreds of pounds of books - along with clothes and assorted items collected by even more kids in Dixon - halfway around the world.

Barry and his employees are working on the shipping problem, and UNICEF may get involved, but they could use some more help. If you are interested, call (707) 678-1693. People from all over the place, especially at Katlehong Primary School in Lesotho, will thank you. ...

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Story Source: Sacramento Bee

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