June 1, 2004: Headlines: COS - Ecuador: COS - Cameroon: Writing - Ecuador: Writing - Cameroon: Study Abroad: University of Michigan: Wendy Williamson, who has helped thousands of students travel overseas, completed two assignments with the Peace Corps in Ecuador and Cameroon from 1994 to 1998.

Peace Corps Online: Directory: Ecuador: Peace Corps Ecuador : The Peace Corps in Ecuador: June 1, 2004: Headlines: COS - Ecuador: COS - Cameroon: Writing - Ecuador: Writing - Cameroon: Study Abroad: University of Michigan: Wendy Williamson, who has helped thousands of students travel overseas, completed two assignments with the Peace Corps in Ecuador and Cameroon from 1994 to 1998.

By Admin1 (admin) (pool-151-196-45-115.balt.east.verizon.net - on Saturday, June 05, 2004 - 8:35 am: Edit Post

Wendy Williamson, who has helped thousands of students travel overseas, completed two assignments with the Peace Corps in Ecuador and Cameroon from 1994 to 1998.

Wendy Williamson, who has helped thousands of students travel overseas, completed two assignments with the Peace Corps in Ecuador and Cameroon from 1994 to 1998.

Wendy Williamson, who has helped thousands of students travel overseas, completed two assignments with the Peace Corps in Ecuador and Cameroon from 1994 to 1998.

New book answers questions about going abroad to study

June 1, 2004

KALAMAZOO--A Western Michigan University staff member has written a new book that helps clear up many common questions about studying overseas.

The book, "Study Abroad 101," features 101 straightforward questions and answers covering issues that arise before students apply to a study abroad program as well as during their stay in another country and even after they return home.

Wendy Williamson, an advisor in WMU's Office of Study Abroad, penned the work, which was published by Agapy Publishing May 11.

"Study Abroad 101 is intended for current and prospective college students and serves as an excellent resource for new study abroad advisors," Williamson says. "It briefly answers common questions, then refers readers to other sources for more detailed information. It's my hope that this book will be a positive contribution to the field of international education."

Chapters in the 160-page paperback include "Narrowing Down the Options," "Planning Your Trip," "Health and Safety Concerns," "Managing Money Abroad," "Living with the Locals" and "Life After Study Abroad." A key component of the book is a list of Internet addresses for a variety of helpful sites that study abroad advisors use everyday.

Williamson, who has helped thousands of students travel overseas, completed two assignments with the Peace Corps in South America and Africa from 1994 to 1998. She has a master of arts degree in counselor education with an emphasis in administration of college student affairs from WMU and a bachelor of arts degree in communication and culture from Indiana University, Bloomington.

An earlier book of Williamson's, "Martial Arts: The Christian Way," was published by Agapy in 2002 and selected as a text book by the American College of Martial Science. The work explains how the martial arts can be intertwined to create a practical and effective form of youth ministry and evangelism.

Her new work sells for $12.95 and is available through local bookstores, including the WMU Bookstore, and online through Amazon.com and Barnes & Noble. For more information, visit the Web site at <www.agapy.com/studyabroad.html>.

Media contact: Jeanne Baron, 269 387-8400, jeanne.baron@wmich.edu

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Story Source: University of Michigan

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