June 7, 2004: Headlines: COS - Thailand: Personal Web Page: Robert Geza Horvath went to Thailand as a Peace Corps volunteer in 1988 and has remained

Peace Corps Online: Directory: Thailand: Peace Corps Thailand: The Peace Corps in Thailand: June 7, 2004: Headlines: COS - Thailand: Personal Web Page: Robert Geza Horvath went to Thailand as a Peace Corps volunteer in 1988 and has remained

By Admin1 (admin) (pool-151-196-45-115.balt.east.verizon.net - on Monday, June 07, 2004 - 6:47 pm: Edit Post

Robert Geza Horvath went to Thailand as a Peace Corps volunteer in 1988 and has remained

Robert Geza Horvath went to Thailand as a Peace Corps  volunteer in 1988 and has remained

Robert Geza Horvath went to Thailand as a Peace Corps volunteer in 1988 and has remained

Robert Geza Horvath, has a middle name that is his father and grandfather's first names. I am very Hungarian (Geza was an early Hungarian King). For reasons unknown to him, their name was changed from Kiss (pronounced Kee-sh) to Horvath when his GGrandfather came to the US. Robert may qualify for your long distance Horvath as he is currently in Bangkok, Thailand. He went there as a Peace Corps volunteer in 1988 and has remained. Currently he is providing programmatic support and oversight for activities funded through United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Specifically, these activities are funded under the War Victims' Fund (providing physical and social rehabilitation to civilian victims of war) and the Displaced Children and Orphans' Fund (addresssing issues such as streetchildren, children affected by war, and HIV/Aids Orphans). His father is Geza Robert Horvath. He and his family grew up in Carteret, New Jersey. His email address is horvath@mozart.inet.co.th .

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Story Source: Personal Web Page

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