By Admin1 (admin) ( - on Tuesday, June 08, 2004 - 7:38 pm: Edit Post |
Afghanistan RPCV Jennet Robinson Alterman is Executive Director of Charleston Center for Women
Afghanistan RPCV Jennet Robinson Alterman is Executive Director of Charleston Center for Women
Name: Jennet Robinson Alterman
Title: Executive Director
Company: Center for Women, Charleston
Type of organization: Nonprofit resource and educational organization dedicated to providing the information women need to make personal and professional success an every-day occurrence. We connect thousands of women across the Tri-County area to professional sources for practical help by providing educational programs on important issues such as small business development, financial literacy, life transitions, discrimination of all types, multiculturalism and family issues. The center has an extensive program to support women entrepreneurs. We also provide counseling, peer support groups and referrals.
Education: BA, Mary Baldwin College, Staunton, Va.
Little-known fact: I am a former Peace Corps Volunteer and served in Afghanistan in 1977-78.
Home: Charleston
Essential business philosophy: The Golden Rule.
Best way to keep a competitive edge: Pay at-tention to detail and always accept responsibility for your actions.
Yardstick of success: Hearing from people who heard from other people how well a program or event was conducted and received.
Goal yet to be achieved: World peace and to have the Center for Women recognized as the premier resource in the community for women entrepreneurs and all business owners seeking both professional and personal development opportunities for themselves and their employees.
Best decision: Moving back to Charleston to be closer to my mother after she had a stroke.
Worst decision: Too many to choose from but was able to learn from all of them.
Toughest decision: Moving back to Charleston instead of accepting the position of Deputy Director of the Women in development office at USAID in Washington.
Mentor: Dr. Linda Plunkett
Word that best describes you: Spirited
Like best about your job: The amazing talents and diversity of the women I meet.
Like least about job: The heartbreaking examples of the system breaking down and someone slipping through the cracks.
Most important lesson learned: Decide what you can do well and then do that instead of trying to be all things to all people.
Most respected competitor: As a non-profit we don't compete with other non-profits.
However, I have great respect for what the Community Foundation has done in recent years developing its donor-advised funds, addressing social issues and serving as an information clearinghouse for the non-profit community.
First choice for a new career: Novelist
Award/honor most proud of: Chosen one of the 2003 Women of Distinction by the Carolina Low Country Girl Scouts and one of the 2004 Skirt! Women of the Year.
Most influential book: Biography of Dr. Tom Dooley, read at the age of 12.
Favorite movie: It's a tie between "Thelma and Louise" and "The Man Who Would Be King."
Favorite restaurant: Wouldn't touch this with a 10-foot pole.
Favorite vacation spot: Paris
Favorite way to spend free time: Doing anything with my husband Jack
Automobile: 2003 Infiniti I35
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