By Admin1 (admin) ( - on Tuesday, June 08, 2004 - 7:39 pm: Edit Post |
Jennet Robinson Alterman is Program Moderator for National Association for Continence
Jennet Robinson Alterman is Program Moderator for National Association for Continence
Program Moderator — Jennet Robinson Alterman
Jennet Robinson Alterman is a native of Charleston and currently serves as the Executive Director of the Center for Women. She began her career as a television news reporter and anchor for WCSC-TV. In 1977, she went to Afghanistan as a Peace Corps Volunteer working in maternal health education. Upon her return to the U.S., she worked as a Producer Director of the Health Communications Network at MUSC and then went on to serve as Lt. Governor Nancy Stevenson’s Press Secretary. She subsequently held management positions with the State Budget and Control Board until her appointment as Country Director of the Peace Corps program in Swaziland. In 2001, she accepted the position with the Center for Women. Mrs. Alterman serves on the Board of Directors of the Footlight Players and the Ashley Hall Advisory Committee.