June 10, 2004: Headlines: COS - Kazakstan: Married Couples: Del Marva Now: Woody Starkweather and Janet Givens look forward to a great adventure in Kazakhstan, making friends for ourselves and for our country

Peace Corps Online: Directory: Kazakstan : Peace Corps Kazakhstan : The Peace Corps in Kazakstan: June 10, 2004: Headlines: COS - Kazakstan: Married Couples: Del Marva Now: Woody Starkweather and Janet Givens look forward to a great adventure in Kazakhstan, making friends for ourselves and for our country

By Admin1 (admin) (pool-151-196-45-115.balt.east.verizon.net - on Saturday, June 12, 2004 - 9:36 pm: Edit Post

Woody Starkweather and Janet Givens look forward to a great adventure in Kazakhstan, making friends for ourselves and for our country

Woody Starkweather and Janet Givens look forward to a great adventure in Kazakhstan, making friends for ourselves and for our country

Woody Starkweather and Janet Givens look forward to a great adventure in Kazakhstan, making friends for ourselves and for our country

They're leaving for Kazakhstan; please write

To the editor:

Farewell for now. It is with mixed feelings that we say farewell to our friends and neighbors here on Chincoteague Island.

We want to say special thanks to Drs. Glenn Wolffe and Bill Baczek, who helped get us through our medical and dental clearance processes, respectively; to Donna Weaver of Shore Bank and Jerry West, who will keep an eagle eye on our affairs while we are gone; to our neighbors on Richardson Street who will keep an eye on our home, let our various renters know they are welcome, and let our Realtor know when they are not; and to the friends we have made in the few short years we have been coming down here. You know who you are and we will miss you.

We look forward to a great adventure in Kazakhstan, making friends for ourselves and for our country. We are aware that we will probably learn much more than we can ever teach. And we look forward to sharing what we learn about this vast and varied land when we return.

Although we do not really know what awaits us as we move into this new chapter of our lives, we leave knowing there are still places and people in America we can be proud to represent as we begin our Peace Corps assignment.

We hope you will write us with your news while we are gone. For the first three months, you can reach us at:

Peace Corps

P. O. Box 376

480001 Almaty, Kaxakhstan

Thank you.

Woody Starkweather and Janet Givens

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Story Source: Del Marva Now

This story has been posted in the following forums: : Headlines; COS - Kazakstan; Married Couples



By Sherry Black (pool-71-125-140-26.cmdnnj.east.verizon.net - on Thursday, April 10, 2008 - 5:54 pm: Edit Post

Is this the Woody Starkweather who was a professor at Temple University?

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