June 24, 2004: Headlines: COS - Guyana: Sports: Sports Education: Contra Costa Times: Guyana RPCV Annis Marie Skousen set to retire as longtime sports educator

Peace Corps Online: Directory: Guyana: Peace Corps Guyana : The Peace Corps in Guyana: June 24, 2004: Headlines: COS - Guyana: Sports: Sports Education: Contra Costa Times: Guyana RPCV Annis Marie Skousen set to retire as longtime sports educator

By Admin1 (admin) (pool-151-196-53-195.balt.east.verizon.net - on Monday, June 28, 2004 - 10:28 am: Edit Post

Guyana RPCV Annis Marie Skousen set to retire as longtime sports educator

Guyana RPCV Annis Marie Skousen set to retire as longtime sports educator

Guyana RPCV Annis Marie Skousen set to retire as longtime sports educator

Longtime sports educator set to retire

ANNIS MARIE SKOUSEN started working at Central Junior High School in September 1969. During her time at Central, she coached various sports teams including softball, basketball and track. She helped run a sports program that is now a part of the Delta Valley Athletic League for East County Middle Schools. She spent 20 years on the sidelines as the athletic trainer for Pittsburg High football teams. Her last two years before retiring this year were spent as a counselor at Central Junior High.

She enjoys golf, going to Oakland A's games and ceramics.

She was born in Phoenix, Ariz., and graduated from North Phoenix High School. She received a golf scholarship to Arizona State University. After graduating with a bachelor of science in physical education from the university she served two years in the Peace Corps in Guyana, South America. She also has a masters of education counseling and masters of counseling from Indiana State University.

She comes from a family of professionals, including her mother who was a teacher and her father, who was an attorney. All together they had 10 children, five were teachers, one sister is in theater in New York working at various levels as a producer, director, writer and actor. One sibling is a real estate developer in Phoenix and an engineer brother is in New York. One sister was developmentally disabled and one brother was taken prisoner and killed in Korea.

She has traveled extensively within the United States.

Annis enjoys spending quality time in prayer at the ocean side, in the mountains or quietly in her backyard.

Now that she is retired she plans to travel, play golf, throw ceramics, putter around her house and garden, spend time at her South Lake Tahoe cabin and volunteer in teaching people to read.

She would like to see parents and schools be more strict with our children. She feels strongly that we are not doing students a favor by allowing them to slide through the system without adhering to the rules.

Her mother was her role model for ethics, hard work and compassion for the underdog. Joanne Gunderson Carner was her role model for golf. Laura Montori was her role model as a teacher. She was an earthmover as a teacher and was a teacher at Central when Annis began teaching.

Please join me in proudly saluting Annis M. Skousen for her life career in educating children for the past 35 years. We salute you for a job well done. Live long and enjoy your retirement.

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Story Source: Contra Costa Times

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