May 10, 2004: Headlines: COS - Afghanistan: COS - Morocco: Journalism: Service: Stanford University: Sarah Chayes on Afghanistan: Where Hope Confronts Reality
Peace Corps Online:
Special Report: Writer, Journalist, and AID Worker Sarah Chayes (RPCV Morocco) and her work in Afghanistan:
Special Report: RPCV Sarah Chayes and her work in Afghanistan:
May 10, 2004: Headlines: COS - Afghanistan: COS - Morocco: Journalism: Service: Stanford University: Sarah Chayes on Afghanistan: Where Hope Confronts Reality
Sarah Chayes on Afghanistan: Where Hope Confronts Reality
Sarah Chayes on Afghanistan: Where Hope Confronts Reality
Sarah Chayes on Afghanistan: Where Hope Confronts Reality
Sarah Chayes, former NPR correspondent and field director of Afghans for Civil Society, spends each day working to improve conditions for ordinary Afghans in the heart of Taliban country. In less than two years, flanked by a team of dedicated Afghans, she has been responsible for rebuilding homes and schools, creating employment for about 300 people and launching today's most popular local radio station in Kandahar. Currently, her energy is devoted to developing a dairy cooperative that will include over 150 families. Her talk will examine some of the myths and hard truths about the reconstuctions of Afghanistan.
Date and Time: May 10, 2004. 7:00 PM.
Approximate duration of 1 hour(s).
Location: Tresidder Oak Lounge [Map]
Audience: General Public
Category: Lectures
Sponsor: Society for International Affairs at Stanford
Contact: (425) 418-1682
Admission: Free
Stanford students should pick up their FREE ticket in White Plaza May 3rd-7th from 12 until 1. All others will be admitted as space permits.
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Last Modified: April 26, 2004
When this story was prepared, here was the front page of PCOL magazine:
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Story Source: Stanford University
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