August 20, 2004: Headlines: COS - Afghanistan: San Francisco Chronicle: RPCV Larry Wonderling says Afghanistan was the worst to live in and the best for fond memories
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August 20, 2004: Headlines: COS - Afghanistan: San Francisco Chronicle: RPCV Larry Wonderling says Afghanistan was the worst to live in and the best for fond memories
RPCV Larry Wonderling says Afghanistan was the worst to live in and the best for fond memories
RPCV Larry Wonderling says Afghanistan was the worst to live in and the best for fond memories
Larry Wonderling
Bernal Heights
Afghanistan was the worst to live in and the best for fond memories. I arrived there in 1971 as a thin, healthy Peace Corps consultant. Two years later, I left unhealthy and 40 pounds lighter. Magnificent scenery, wonderful people and no sanitation.
When this story was prepared, here was the front page of PCOL magazine:
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Story Source: San Francisco Chronicle
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