October 4, 2004: Headlines: COS - Swaziland: COS - Iran: Journalism: Television: Election2004: Voter Registration: Student Life: 'Hardball' host calls Bush re-election race closest ever
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October 4, 2004: Headlines: COS - Swaziland: COS - Iran: Journalism: Television: Election2004: Voter Registration: Student Life: 'Hardball' host calls Bush re-election race closest ever
'Hardball' host calls Bush re-election race closest ever
'Hardball' host calls Bush re-election race closest ever
'Hardball' host calls Bush re-election race closest ever
By Kelly Donahue
Published: Monday, October 4, 2004
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MSNBC commentator Chris Matthews entertains a packed lecture hall on Saturday. Matthews urged all the students to be sure to vote in the upcoming election.
Media Credit: Emily Tobias
MSNBC commentator Chris Matthews entertains a packed lecture hall on Saturday. Matthews urged all the students to be sure to vote in the upcoming election.
-With additional reporting by Sarah Kliff
Chris Matthews, host of MSNBC's "Hardball," chatted with a lecture hall full of Washington University students during Saturday afternoon's annual Founders' Day speech. With comments centered on issues in the upcoming election and last Thursday's first presidential debate, Matthews entertained the audience with political humor while advising students to make their vote heard on Nov. 2.
One reason students' votes will be so important this year, Matthews suggested, is because the election will take into account an unusual factor--a slim difference in political beliefs between the genders.
"This year, there's very little gender gap," he said. "[Generally], men tilt Republican-tilt cowboy. Many women tilt Democrat. A woman in America now has as many worries at work as her husband and more: childcare, child education, child enrichment, his parents, her parents. Women want help [...] so they vote Democrat. And they forgive Bill Clinton['s indiscretions] because he has the right program."
This year, however, President Bush may break that tradition.
In a post-Sept.-11, Iraq-war America, "Bush has been successful at convincing suburban women that their children are more safe coming home from school" under his administration, said Matthews. "They are going to vote more like men because of security issues." However, Matthews also added that women tend to be "less educated about foreign policy" than their male counterparts.
While Matthews predicted either a tight victory for either candidate or a landslide win for Bush, he also said that even those who favor the president are looking for adjustments in policy.
According to Matthews, out of those who support the president's re-election, "31 percent want moderate change. 51 percent want dramatic change. Only nine percent [are satisfied with] the status quo."
"People want change, but they don't seem to want Kerry," he said. "But this may change after three debates."
In addition to his commentary on the presidential race, Matthews also urged the students in the audience to head for the polls in November.
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Story Source: Student Life
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