March 25, 2003: Headlines: Service: COS - Afghanistan: Central Maine Daily Sentinel: RPCV Scott Phair works with the BluePack Project to help children in Afghanistan
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March 25, 2003: Headlines: Service: COS - Afghanistan: Central Maine Daily Sentinel: RPCV Scott Phair works with the BluePack Project to help children in Afghanistan
RPCV Scott Phair works with the BluePack Project to help children in Afghanistan
RPCV Scott Phair works with the BluePack Project to help children in Afghanistan
Students raise money for Afghan children
By AMY CALDER, Staff Writer
Copyright © 2003 Blethen Maine Newspapers Inc.
WATERVILLE — About 100 children suffering the ravages of war in Afghanistan will soon have their very own back packs containing basic school and health supplies, thanks to Waterville High School students.
The teenagers who are members of the Student Leadership Program raised $1,000 as part of the BluePack Project launched by the Academy for Educational Development in Washington, D.C.
The project aims to raise $2 million dollars to be sent to Afghanistan where natives are paid to assemble the blue back packs for children between 5 and 9. The packs will contain pens, colored pencils, a notebook, slates, an eraser, chalk, soap, a brush and comb and a few toys such as a ball and jump rope.
Some students went on the road to speak about the project to organizations such as the Waterville Rotary Club and Margaret Chase Smith Library Center in Skowhegan.
"We went to Rotary and gave a power point presentation," said senior Sadie Menchen. "We stated our objectives and explained why we thought it was a good thing. After the meeting, people came up and started giving us money, which was exciting."
The Margaret Chase Smith Library made a substantial donation, and the students raised about $350 at a school dance, they said.
Emily Theriault, also a senior, said people gave generously to the effort, which proved to be an important experience for the students.
"I think it's definitely a rewarding experience to know we're helping to build their (Afghan children) education..." Theriault said.
Principal Scott Phair said about 150,000 back packs already have been distributed in Afghanistan through the national effort.
Phair encourages students to travel and to learn about world affairs and different cultures. He taught English as a Peace Corps. volunteer in Afghanistan when he was 22. He was in that country in 1975-76.
Phair said the students worked hard to raise money for the BluePacks, and when they presented in public, they did so with grace, ease and professionalism.
"They were wonderful," he said. "I'm very proud of these guys."
A year ago, the students learned leadership skills at the AdventureBound Foundation in The Forks, where they took part in team-building exercises, ropes courses and whitewater rafting.
Phair said he will meet with AdventureBound officials this week to talk about the possibility of the Student Leadership group's serving as a role model and teaching leadership skills to students in other schools.
Meanwhile, sophomore David O'Heir is one of many students who will carry on the leadership group's efforts after the seniors graduate. The aim is to continue with the BluePack Project and other activities.
"We hope that the group will continue on," O'Heir said.
Amy Calder — 861-9247
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Story Source: Central Maine Daily Sentinel
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