By Admin1 (admin) ( - on Tuesday, January 11, 2005 - 8:42 pm: Edit Post |
1967: turk thomas humphrey served in Iran in Ahwaz and Tehran beginning in 1967
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer turk thomas humphrey can be contacted at liznturkaemiratesdnetdae
Country of Service: Iran
Training Group: Thiokol Chemical in Clearfield, Utah
Cities you served in: Ahwaz and Tehran
Arrival Year: 1967
Departure Year: 1969
Work Description: Draftsman/Surveyor Trainer and Game and Fish Special
Projects Coordinator
Anyone you are looking for or would like to hear from?:
Mike Murphy, Gary Carlson, Bill Gaskill
Any message for returned volunteers?:
contact me at: Turk Humphrey / c/o ADIA - Hr Division / PO Box 3600 -
Corniche Road / Abu Dhabi / United Arab Emirates.
Originally posted: December 21, 2001
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