By Admin1 (admin) ( - on Tuesday, January 11, 2005 - 8:48 pm: Edit Post |
1964: Joseph R Brown served in Iran in Shiraz beginning in 1964
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Joseph R Brown can be contacted at Brownjauwstoutdedu
Country of Service: Iran
Training Group: Technical Education
Cities you served in: Shiraz
Arrival Year: 1964
Departure Year: 1966
Work Description:
Teaching electronics in a vocational training school
Originally posted: July 4, 2004
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By Dave Jones ( - on Saturday, December 03, 2005 - 10:33 pm: Edit Post |
Joe Brown:
I was recovering from the flu this week and had nothing else to do so I searched out the peace corps site and found your name.
What are you up to after all these years?
I have been in California for the the last 22 years. Give me an e-mail when you can
Dave Jones
Vocational Ed. - Mechanics Karaj, Iran
1964 to 1966