By Admin1 (admin) ( - on Wednesday, January 12, 2005 - 5:01 pm: Edit Post |
1972: Trisha (dougherty) Gensic served in Afghanistan in Taloqan and Kabul beginning in 1972
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Trisha (dougherty) Gensic can be contacted at gensicoamsndcom
Country of Service: Afghanistan
Training Group: 30
Cities you served in: Taloqan and Kabul
Arrival Year: 1972
Departure Year: 1975
Work Description: TEFL Volunteer
Other Countries you served in, Training Group Name Arrival
Year, Departure Year, Work
Bring us up to date on your life after the peace corps:
Came home and had two beautiful daughters, got involved
with the
League of Women Voters, worked for a regional planning
agency doing
community and economic development, worked as
marketing, public
relations and sales director for
architectural/engineering firm, worked for
the City of Fort Wayne directing their business
development efforts in the
Department of Economic Development. Got remarried to a
wonderful guy,
George, and had another beautiful daughter, Katy.
Currently volunteering
at school and tutoring Afghan refugees in English and
activities. I continue to remain active in
international activities.
Any thoughts you have now looking back on peace corps
I'm still bothered daily by what was told to me: that
Afgans associating
with Americans, especially Peace Corps Volunteers, were
executed when the Russians invaded in '79. Other
messages that I left
with: 1) You can be anything you want to be. 2) All
peoples think about,
laugh about and worry about the same things. They just
have different
clothes, foods, religions and environments.
Anyone you are looking for or would like to hear from?:
Everyone in Cycle 30!
Any message for returned volunteers?:
Call (260) 281-2499 and come visit us on the farm.
Originally posted: July 3, 2002
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