By Admin1 (admin) ( - on Wednesday, January 12, 2005 - 5:07 pm: Edit Post |
1972-(Afghanistan); 1974-(Liberia): suzanne via banda served in Afghanistan, Liberia in Jalalabad, Afghanistan; Zwedru, Liberia beginning in 1972-(Afghanistan); 1974-(Liberia)
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer suzanne via banda can be contacted at suzywinzaearthlinkdnet
Country of Service: Afghanistan, Liberia
Cities you served in: Jalalabad, Afghanistan; Zwedru, Liberia
Arrival Year: 1972-(Afghanistan); 1974-(Liberia)
Departure Year: 1973 (Afghanistan); 1976 (Liberia)
Work Description: TB Program ( Afghanistan); Preventive Services( Liberia)
Other Countries you served in, Training Group Name Arrival Year, Departure Year, Work
See above
Bring us up to date on your life after the peace corps:
Since the Peace Corps, I have been working in public health settings. I
spent a lot of time in late 1980'2 and 1990's working in refugee relief and
development projects with various NGO's in Africa and Thailand. I last
worked overseas on Thai/Burma border in 1996 for a year.
Since that time, I have focused on tuberculosis as a nurse consultant, at
the Francis J. Curry National TB Center in San Francisco, and for the past six
months ( since November 2001) for the state of Oregon, now living in
Married, no children, and still focused on our "small" world.
Any thoughts you have now looking back on peace corps days?:
It was the best of times, the worst of times, and gave me perspective that
can not easily abide the self-preoccupation that seems to come easily to so
many of my colleagues. Peace Corps made us citizens of the world for life.
Thank God!
Originally posted: March 25, 2002
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By Suzanne Zaw ( on Sunday, February 13, 2005 - 7:51 pm: Edit Post |
Update Feb 2005:
In April 2003 I changed my name to Suzanne Zaw, in honor of my late husband.
Currently working for State of Oregon Acute Communicable Disease Program as a clinical nurse epidemiologist. At the State level we are training and consulting with local health department staff to prepare for communicable disease and possible bioterrorism events.
My e-mail address changed to