By Admin1 (admin) ( - on Wednesday, January 12, 2005 - 5:14 pm: Edit Post |
1969: Ron Milos served in Afghanistan in Baghlan beginning in 1969
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Ron Milos can be contacted at ronmilosayahoodcom
Country of Service: Afghanistan
Training Group: 3
Cities you served in: Baghlan
Arrival Year: 1969
Departure Year: 1970
Work Description:
Taught English as a foreign language (TEFL)
Bring us up to date on your life after the peace corps:
Married, two grown children. Webmaster for the State Universities of New York, Learning Environments
Anyone you are looking for or would like to hear from?:
Any message for returned volunteers?:
Originally posted: October 23, 2004
Please post messages to the RPCV below.
If this is your profile, post additions, updates or corrections to your profile below.
RPCVs: To add your own RPCV profile click here.
By Ah. Seyer ( on Saturday, February 17, 2007 - 8:37 am: Edit Post |
Please confirm when you receive this message. this is Ahmad Seyer s/o Mohammad Aslam, my father used to be the headmaster of the primary school in the old city of Baghlan.
i am living in Kabul and work with the Ministry of RRD, as programme Manager of District School Construction and Rehabilitation Window.
Please reply asap, because you have to know that how much i am willing to have contact to you.
your student Seyer