1968: thomas w. kelty served in Afghanistan in Charikar, Kabul beginning in 1968

Peace Corps Online: Directory: Afghanistan: Directory of Afghanistan RPCVs: 1968: thomas w. kelty served in Afghanistan in Charikar, Kabul beginning in 1968

By Admin1 (admin) (pool-151-196-43-253.balt.east.verizon.net - on Wednesday, January 12, 2005 - 5:16 pm: Edit Post

1968: thomas w. kelty served in Afghanistan in Charikar, Kabul beginning in 1968

1968: thomas w. kelty served in Afghanistan in Charikar, Kabul beginning in 1968

Returned Peace Corps Volunteer thomas w. kelty can be contacted at thomkeltyamsndcom

Country of Service: Afghanistan

Training Group: 13

Cities you served in: Charikar, Kabul

Arrival Year: 1968

Departure Year: 1971

Work Description:

Taught English as a Second Language grades 6 through post graduate levels. Co-founded a provincial teacher resource and training center

Originally posted: October 2, 2004

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By Susan Fox ( on Thursday, July 30, 2009 - 12:36 pm: Edit Post

I am looking for volunteers from Group 13 for the book I am writing with Joanne Carter and Nan O'Rourke and Georgia (Peaches) Joyal. Please email me with any contact information, especially information on Harry Tillery, Charlotte (Budum) Otts and Carter Hoffman.

Thank you

Sue Fox

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