1972: John Nordstrom served in Korea in Choon-chun beginning in 1972

Peace Corps Online: Directory: Korea: Directory of Korea RPCVs: 1972: John Nordstrom served in Korea in Choon-chun beginning in 1972

By Admin1 (admin) (pool-141-157-21-200.balt.east.verizon.net - on Saturday, February 19, 2005 - 8:20 pm: Edit Post

1972: John Nordstrom served in Korea in Choon-chun beginning in 1972

1972: John Nordstrom served in Korea in Choon-chun beginning in 1972

Returned Peace Corps Volunteer John Nordstrom can be contacted at northstreamasbcglobaldnet

Country of Service: Korea

Training Group: K-25

Cities you served in: Choon-chun

Arrival Year: 1972

Departure Year: 1983

Work Description:

Middle School Tesol; English Language Workshop Coordinator

Anyone you are looking for or would like to hear from?:

Andrea Reulius; Kathy Rossow; would like to hear from any of my fellow K-25's!

Originally posted: February 19, 2005

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By Andrea Shah (c-65-96-5-59.hsd1.ma.comcast.net - on Tuesday, June 07, 2005 - 11:03 pm: Edit Post

Hi John Nordstrom!

Just saw your message about K-25. Not too sure how this website works, so I'll be brief - drop me an e-mail and let me know how your life is, where you are and who else you are in touch with. I live near Boston, MA now.

Andrea Ruelius Shah

email:arsinc1@hotmail.com (pls put K-25 in the re box).

By ianbrownlee (80-58-5-43.proxycache.rima-tde.net - on Monday, September 12, 2005 - 4:00 am: Edit Post

Hi John,
My name is Ian Brownlee and I lived in Seoul from '78 to '82. I wasn't in K30 but got to know a bunch of you guys while living in Mapo Apts, the Sogang Foreigners Residence & Korea University. I now live in Spain & own a Communications consultancy. I still vividly remember some of the "good times" in the Sportsman's club and various dives in Myungdong & other dubious areas of Seoul. What are you up to now?

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