1965: John Krauskopf served in Iran in Ahwaz, Kermanshah, Arak, Babolsar beginning in 1965

Peace Corps Online: Directory: Iran: Directory of Iran RPCVs: 1965: John Krauskopf served in Iran in Ahwaz, Kermanshah, Arak, Babolsar beginning in 1965

By Admin1 (admin) (pool-141-157-21-200.balt.east.verizon.net - on Saturday, February 19, 2005 - 8:23 pm: Edit Post

1965: John Krauskopf served in Iran in Ahwaz, Kermanshah, Arak, Babolsar beginning in 1965

1965: John Krauskopf served in Iran in Ahwaz, Kermanshah, Arak, Babolsar beginning in 1965

Returned Peace Corps Volunteer John Krauskopf can be contacted at jkrauskopf7acomcastdnet

Country of Service: Iran

Training Group: Iran TEFL 6

Cities you served in: Ahwaz, Kermanshah, Arak, Babolsar

Arrival Year: 1965

Departure Year: 1967 also July to Dec. 1969

Work Description:

TEFL teacher - boys highschools, also continuing ed in EFL for teachers and ministry of ed employees. RPCV two stateside training groups and two in-country groups.

Bring us up to date on your life after the peace corps:

Worked for the Experiment in International Living for ten years. Later, I was the Foreign Student Advisor and ultimately director of the English as a Second Language Institute in Millbre, CA. I am now retired and working on a book of cross-cultural incidents certered around Iran.

Any thoughts you have now looking back on peace corps days?:

It was very important in shaping my lifetime interests. I made and kept many Iranian and PCV friends.

Anyone you are looking for or would like to hear from?:

Anyone from Iran TEFL 6. Anyone from the three TEFL groups I helped train at E.I.L. in Brattleboro. Warren George, Jim and Mary King, because I wrote you into my stories. Afzal Vosughi from Mashed Univ.

Originally posted: February 19, 2005

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