April 9, 2005: Headlines: COS - Afghanistan: University Education: English: Women's Issues: Old Dominion University: Afghanistan RPCV Janet Mueller Bing is a Professor of English at Old Dominion University in Virginia
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1962: Janet Mueller Bing served in Afghanistan in Kabul, Kandahar, Baghlan beginning in 1962 :
April 9, 2005: Headlines: COS - Afghanistan: University Education: English: Women's Issues: Old Dominion University: Afghanistan RPCV Janet Mueller Bing is a Professor of English at Old Dominion University in Virginia
Afghanistan RPCV Janet Mueller Bing is a Professor of English at Old Dominion University in Virginia
Afghanistan RPCV Janet Mueller Bing is a Professor of English at Old Dominion University in Virginia
Janet Mueller Bing
Department of English
Old Dominion University
Norfolk, Virginia 23529-0078
(757) 683-4030
1974-79 University of Massachusetts in Amherst, Department of Linguistics. Ph.D., September, 1979. Committee: Edwin Williams (C), Emmon Bach, Alan Prince.
1967-70 University of Colorado and Colorado State University. Graduate studies in structural linguistics with an emphasis on phonology and anthropological linguistics.
1959-60 Stanford University, Department of English. M.A., June, 1960.
1955-59 Coe College, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Major in English literature, minor in French. B.A., magna cum laude, June, 1959.
2000-present University Professor, Old Dominion University.
2002-2003 Acting Cluster Coordinator, Old Dominion University
1998-present Graduate Program Director, Linguistics, Department of English, Old Dominion University
1996-2000 Professor, Department of English, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia
1988-95 Associate Professor, Department of English, Old Dominion University
1995-1997 Linguistics/TESOL Coordinator, Department of English
1994 Visiting Associate Professor, Kitakyushu University, Kitakyushu, Japan, Summer, 1994
1991-94 Director of Graduate Programs, Department of English, Old Dominion University
1982-88 Assistant Professor, Department of English, Old Dominion University
1981-82 Assistant Professor, Department of Linguistics, University of Minnesota
1980-81 Textbook Writer, Berlitz International. Wrote self-study texts, including pronunciation courses for French, German, Japanese, Portuguese and Spanish students of English as a second language.
1979-80 Instructor in linguistics, University of New Hampshire (sabbatical replacement)
1979 Director, English Language Program for Indonesian M.A. Candidates, Center for International Education, University of Massachusetts
1974-78 Teaching associate, University of Massachusetts (syntax and phonetics); research assistant, NIH Project, Complex Language Structure Acquisition by Children, teaching assistant in rhetoric.
1970-74 Associate Director, Master of Arts in Teaching Program, School for International Training, Brattleboro, Vermont.
1968 Coordinator of TEFL training, Peace Corps Training Project for Afghanistan, Ft. Lupton, Colorado
1966-67 English teacher, McKinley High School, Washington, D.C.
1966 Teacher trainer, Peace Corps Training Project, University of Texas in Austin and Kabul, Afghanistan
1966 Demonstration teacher and instructor in methodology, post-graduate seminar for Syrian teachers of English, Damascus, Syria, Summer 1966
1966 Instructor of English as a foreign language, Kabul University, Kabul, Afghanistan, Spring 1966
1962-65 Teacher of English as a foreign language, Peace Corps, Afghanistan
1960-62 English teacher, Palo Alto High School, Palo Alto, California
1996 Victoria L. Bergvall, Janet M. Bing and Alice F.Freed, (eds). Rethinking Language and Gender Research: Theory and Practice, Longman, New York and London.
1989 GrammarGuide: English Grammar in Context. Prentice-Hall Regents, New York.
1985 Aspects of English Prosody. Garland Press, New York (Outstanding Dissertations in Linguistics).
1967 Rosalind Pearson and Janet Bing. Cross-Cultural Studies Manual for Afghanistan Training Programs and Discussion Leader's Manual for Cross-Cultural Studies Training: Afghanistan. Peace Corps, Washington, D.C.
2004 Janet Bing. "Is Feminist Humor an Oxymoron?" To appear in Women and Language, XXVII, 1.
2004 Janet Bing. "Reply to Christie Davies." To appear in Humor, Vol. 17-1.
2003 Janet Bing and Dana Heller "How Many Lesbians Does it Take to Screw in a Light Bulb?" Humor, Vol. 16-1,157-182.
2000 "Why are those women so angry?" Luisa Igloria and Renee Olander (eds.) Turnings: Writing on Women’s Transformations, pp. 79-82
2000 "How to describe another culture: Developing a Cultural Frame," Democracy and Development: The Transformation of Conflict in Nicaragua, pp. 1-19.
1999 Brain sex: How the media reports and distorts brain research. Women and Language. XXII: 2, pp. 4-12.
1998 Janet Bing and William Woodward, Nobody's Listening: A Frame analysis of the Ebonics Debate, Secol Review, Vol. XXII, 1:pp.1-20.
1998 Revised version of Janet Bing and Victoria Bergvall. The Question of Questions: Beyond Binary Thinking, Language and Gender, ed. Jennifer Coates. Oxford:Blackwell. pp. 495-510.
1997 Janet Bing and Lucien X. Lombardo. Talking Past Each Other about Sexual Harassment. Discourse and Society, 8 (3) pp. 293-311.
1996 Janet Bing and Victoria Bergvall. The Question of Questions: Beyond Binary Thinking. In Rethinking Language and Gender Research: Theory and Practice, pp. 1-30.
1994 Killing Us Softly: Ambiguous Markers of Power and Solidarity. Cultural Performances. Mary Bucholtz, et al.(eds). Berkeley, CA: Berkeley Women and Language Group, pp. 44-49.
1993 Janet Bing and John Duitsman. Postpositions and the Valency Marker in Krahn: Monosemy Versus Polysemy. Journal of West African Languages. 23 (1) pp. 91-104.
1993 Names and Honorific Pronouns in Gborbo Krahn, Topics in African Linguistics ed. by Saliko Mufwene and Lioba Moshi, Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 100, Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 119-130.
1993 Default Features in Contour Tones: Evidence from Krahn/Wobé. Principles and Prediction: The Analysis of Natural Language ed. by Mushira Eid and Gregory Iverson, Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 98, John Benjamins, pp. 327-338.
1992 The Episode in Narration: The Interaction of Prosody and Discourse Markers. Proceedings of the IRCS Workshop on Prosody in Natural Speech. The Institute for Research in Cognitive Science Report No.: 92--37, pp. 1-8.
1992 Penguins Can't Fly and Women Don't Count: Language and Thought. Women and Language Vol. XIV, No. 2, pp. 11-14.
1991 Color Terms and Lexical Classes in Krahn/Wobe. Studies in African Linguistics. Vol 22, Number 3, December 1991, pp. 1-20.
1990 Real World Phonology, The Georgetown Journal of Languages and Linguistics, I,2, pp 145-150.
1987 Phonologically Conditioned Agreement: Evidence from Krahn, in David Odden (ed.) Current Approaches to African Linguistics. Foris, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
1986 Intonation and the interpretation of negatives. Kaigai on Ronso (Collected Articles from Abroad on English Linguistics). Ed. Yasui Minoru. Tokyo: Eichosha Shinsha, 1986. Reprinted from Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Meeting of the North Eastern Linguistics Society.
1984 A Discourse Domain Identified by Intonation, in Gibbon and Richter (eds.), Pattern and Process in Discourse Phonology. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin.
1983 Contrastive Stress, Contrastive Intonation and Contrastive Meaning, Syntax and Semantics, June, 1983.
1981 Co-author with Tom Roeper, Steve Lapoint and Susan Tavakolian, A Lexical Approach to Language Acquisition, Language Acquisition and Linguistic Theory, ed. by Susan Tavakolian. M.I.T. Press.
1980 Linguistic Rhythm and Grammatical Structure in Afghan Persian, Linguistic Inquiry IX, 3.
1980 The Given/New Distinction and the Unmarked Stress Pattern, North Eastern Linguistics Society Proceedings, XI, ed. by V. Burke and J. Pustejovsky. University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
1979 A Reanalysis of Obligatory Comma Pause in English, University of Massachusetts Occasional Papers in Linguistics, Vol. 5, ed. by Jean Lowenstamm.
1979 Up the Noun Phrase: Another Stress Rule. In Papers Presented to Emmon Bach by his Students, ed. by Elisabet Engdal and Mark Stein.
1979 Intonation and the Interpretation of Negatives, North Eastern Linguistics Society Proceedings, X, University of Ottawa.
1979 One Man's Best is Another Man's Tone: Sentence Stress Reanalyzed, Parasession on the Elements, Chicago Linguistics Society.
1978 A Predictable Alternation Between Intonation Contours, Cunyforum Papers in Linguistics, 5, ed. by Ed Battistella.
1967 Co-author with Rosalind Pearson. Cross-Cultural Studies Manual for Afghanistan Training Programs and Teacher's Guide. Peace Corps, Washington, D.C.
1999 Intonational Phonology by D. Robert Ladd. Journal of Linguistics 35: 167-222.
1997 English Sound Structure by John Harris. Language 78, 1 (March 1997) pp. 162-165.
2002 “How Many Lesbians Does it Take to Screw in a Light Bulb?” with Dana Heller. Fourteenth International Society of Humor Studies Conference, July 5, Forli, Italy.
2002 “How Many Lesbians Does it Take to Screw in a Light Bulb?” with Dana Heller. Work in Progress XII, May 4, Norfolk, VA.
2001 “Solidarity as Subversion: Inclusive and Exclusive Jokes” 2001 International Humor Conference of the International Society of Humor Studies, University of Maryland, July 7.
2000 “The Rewards and Pitfalls of Crossing Boundaries” Association for Integrative Studies, Portland Oregon, October 6, Portland, Oregon.
2000 “Teaching Stress and Intonation” VATESOL Regional Workshop, Virginia Wesleyan College, Sept. 16, 2000.
2000 “The Power of Informal Language” “Work in Progress IX” Williamsburg, VA, April 24.
2000 A framework for exploring other cultures, 21st VESA Conference, Williamsburg, VA, January. 29.
1999 Brain sex: How the media reports and distorts brain research. Conference on: “Talking Gender and Sexuality” Aalborg, Denmark, November 4.
1999 Communicating Across Gender, Virginia Education Association, July 13, 1999, Mountain Lake, Virginia.
1999 Gendered Jokes: Humor as a Subversive Activity, International Linguistic Association, New York City, April 16.
1998 Language, Gender and Power, Virginia Education Association, July 16, 1998, Mountain Lake, Virginia.
1998 Humor as a Subversive Activity: Undermining Gender Polarization, Work in Progress VIII, May 16, Norfolk, VA.
1998 International Communication: Costs, Benefits and Strategies. Opening Plenary address, International Education on a Shoestring Conference, VA, April 23, Norfolk, VA
1997 Janet Bing and William Woodward, Nobody's Listening: A Frame analysis of the Ebonics Debate, SAMLA/SECOL, Nov. 13, Atlanta, GA.
1997 Janet Bing and Wayne Harrison, Workshop on inter-cultural communication, Virginia TESOL Conference, Christopher Newport, Oct. 4.
1997 Patriarchal messages: Male bias and metaphors in linguistic notation. Work in Progress VII, June 7, Old Dominion University.
1997 Are teacher education programs really preparing teachers for what employers want? Virginia VESA Conference, Feb. 28, Richmond, VA
1996 Janet Bing and Geneva Lawrence, "The Sonority of Coronals: the role of Frequency in Sonority Sequencing. South Eastern Conference on Linguistics, Savannah, GA, Nov. 9, 1996.
1996 "Sex and the brain" Faculty Research Workshop, Old Dominion University, 24, 1996
1996 "Gender polarization in brain and language research." Work in Progress VI June 1, Old Dominion University.
1996 "Discovering Hidden Values: A Frame Analysis of Teaching Evaluations." The Fourth Berkeley Women and Language Conference: Gender and Belief Systems. April 19, 1996, Berkeley, CA.
1996 Janet Bing and Victoria Bergvall. "The question of questions: Beyond essentialism and binary thinking in research on language, sex, and gender" American Association of Applied Linguistics. Chicago, March 5, 1996.
1995 Janet Bing and Lucien X. Lombardo. Talking Past Each Other about Sexual Harassment. Linguistic Society of America, New Orleans, LA, Jan. 6, 1995.
1994 Killing Us Softly: Ambiguous Markers of Power and Intimacy. South Eastern Conference on Linguistics, Baltimore, Md., Nov. 12, 1994.
1994 Friendly Deception: Status and Solidarity. Berkeley Women and Language Conference, Berkeley, CA, April 10, 1994.
1994 Identifying the Boundaries of Prosodic Units in Narration. Linguistics Society of America, Boston, MA, Jan. 7, 1994.
1993 The Episode and Stage in Narration: Prosody and Discourse. South Eastern Conference on Linguistics, Auburn U., April 1993.
1993 Redefining Teaching: Evaluating the Evaluators. Workshop on Feminist Pedagogy, Ohio State University, August 1993 and Work in Progress Conference, Old Dominion University, May 1993
1992 The Role of the Planned Unit in Natural Discourse, Workshop on Prosody in Natural Speech, University of Pennsylvania, August 7, 1992
1991 The Limits of Tone Languages: Tones and Contours in Krahn/Wobé, Southeastern Conference on Linguistics, Atlanta, Georgia, November 16, 1991 and 17th Annual Minnesota Conference on Language and Linguistics, Minneapolis, Minnesota, October 24, 1991.
1991 Language, Gender and Culture. Work in Progress Conference, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA, May 18, 1991.
1991 Basic Color Terms in Krahn/Wobé. South Eastern Conference on Linguistics, Knoxville, TN, April 5, 1991.
1990 Status Markers in English. Kitakyushu University, Kitakyushu, Japan, June 16.
1990 Current Developments in the Study of Prosody. Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan, June 18.
1990 Problems in the Representation of Contour Tones in Krahn/Wobé. Spring Linguistics Colloquium, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, March 23.
1990 Names and Honorific Pronouns in Gborbo Krahn. South Eastern Conference on Linguistics, Greenwood, South Carolina, March 30.
1990 Contour Tones in Krahn/Wobe. 21st Annual Conference on African Linguistics, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, April 14.
1988 Real World Phonology. Southern Association of Modern Language Teachers, November 11, Washington, D.C.
1987 Old Information in Answers to Questions. Fourth International Colloquium on the Interdisciplinary Study of Semantics of Natural Language. Kleve, West Germany, September 1-3.
1986 Multi-purpose Morphemes in Gborbo. 17th Conference on African Linguistics, University of Indiana, Bloomington, March 23-25.
1986 Focus in English: Mountains and Valleys. Southeastern Conference on Linguistics XXXVI, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. March 1987.
1985 Phonology in Syntax Revisited: Evidence from Krahn. 16th Conference on African Linguistics. New Haven, Conn. March 21-23.
1984 Merging on Success: The Current State of Studies in Intonation. South Eastern Conference on Linguistics. Durham, North Carolina, March 23-24.
1983 Contrastive Stress, Contrastive Intonation, and Contrastive Meaning. Conference on Prosody, Normal and Abnormal. Zurich, Switzerland, April 8-9.
1982 Phrasal Verbs in English. Minnesota TESOL Convention. Minneapolis, Minnesota, March.
1980 Identifying the Possible Intonation Contours in English. Linguistic Society of America winter meeting. San Antonio, Texas.
1980 The Given/New Distinction and the Unmarked Stress Pattern. North Eastern Linguistics Society, XI. University of Massachusetts.
1979 A Discourse Domain Identified by Intonation Contours. Linguistic Society of America winter meeting. Los Angeles, California.
1979 Intonation and the Interpretation of Negatives. North Eastern Linguistics Society, X. University of Ottawa, Canada.
1979 One Man's Best is Another Man's Tone: Sentence Stress Reanalyzed. Chicago Linguistics Society.
1978 A Predictable Alternative Between Intonation Contours. North Eastern Linguistics Society, IX. City University of New York, New York.
Accepted for Chinese translation “The Importance of Order” Zhang Ziquing (trans.), Translation of David Evans and Jan Evans, Cultural Meetings: American Writers, Scholars, and Artists in China. Guangxi Normal University Press. (The English Version is still seeking a publisher.)
2000-2004 University Professorship for outstanding teaching ($2500 annually)
1998 College of Arts and Letter TABI award for course development. ($500.)
1996 College of Arts and Letters nominee for SCHEV award for excellence in teaching.
1995 Robert L. Stern Award for excellence in teaching, College of Arts and Letters.
1995 College of Arts and Letters nominee for Old Dominion University Instructional Technology Teaching Award.
1995 Old Dominion University Arts and Letters Award "Language and Gender Research: Theory and Method" $695.00.
1993 Old Dominion University Arts and Letters Award "Prosodic Units in Narration," $933.80.
1990-97 Listed in Who's Who in the South and Southwest.
1988 Social Science Research Fellowship for "A Study of the Sound System of Gborbo" (Dialect of Krahn, spoken in Liberia) $10,000.
1987 Old Dominion University Arts and Letters Type B Award in Support of Writing Grant Proposals. $1,500.
1985 Summer Faculty Research Fellowship "English Stress and Intonation: The Disparity Between Theory and Evidence." $2,700.
1959 Loomis scholarship (Stanford University)
1958 Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Kappa Phi (Coe College)
2000-2003 Program Committee, SECOL (Southeastern Conference on Linguistics)
2000 Title VI-A Grant by U.S. Department of Education funded faculty development trip to Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam, May 7-May 24.
1999 Fulbright funded faculty development trip to Nicaragua, May 30-June 26.
Associate Editor: SECOL Review
Associate Editor, Women and Language.
Reviewer: Language, Language and Speech, Phonology, National Science Foundation.
1997 Funded faculty exchange trip to Brazil.
1994-95 Chair, Committee on the Status of Women in Linguistics, Linguistic Society of America.
1993-94 Associate Chair, Committee on the Status of Women in Linguistics, Linguistics Society of America.
1993 Conference Co-organizer: The Language Gender Interface: Theories & Methods for Research & Teaching.
1992-3 COSWL Committee member, Linguistic Society of America (Committee on the Status of Women in Linguistics)
1990 Funded ODU/TCC faculty development trip to People's Republic of China and Japan, Summer 1990.
1991 President, Southern Virginia TESOL
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 | RPCVs and Friends remember Pope John Paul II Tony Hall found the pope to be courageous and capable of forgiving the man who shot him in 1981, Mark Gearan said the pope was as dynamic in person as he appears on television, Maria Shriver said he was a beacon of virtue, strength and goodness, and an RPCV who met the pope while serving in the Solomon Islands said he possessed the holiness of a man filled with a deep love and concern for humanity. Leave your thoughts here. |
 | Friends of the Peace Corps 170,000 strong 170,000 is a very special number for the RPCV community - it's the number of Volunteers who have served in the Peace Corps since 1961. It's also a number that is very special to us because March is the first month since our founding in January, 2001 that our readership has exceeded 170,000. And while we know that not everyone who comes to this site is an RPCV, they are all "Friends of the Peace Corps." Thanks everybody for making PCOL your source of news for the Returned Volunteer community. |
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 | RPCVs in Congress ask colleagues to support PC RPCVs Sam Farr, Chris Shays, Thomas Petri, James Walsh, and Mike Honda have asked their colleagues in Congress to add their names to a letter they have written to the House Foreign Operations Subcommittee, asking for full funding of $345 M for the Peace Corps in 2006. As a follow-on to Peace Corps week, please read the letter and call your Representative in Congress and ask him or her to add their name to the letter. |
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Story Source: Old Dominion University
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