June 18, 2005: Headlines: Figures: COS - Tanzania: Politics: State Government: Toledo Blade: Bob Taft purged one of his high-ranking employees for keeping him out of the loop about a $215 million loss in the months leading to the presidential election
Peace Corps Online:
Special Report: Ohio Governor Bob Taft, RPCV Tanzania:
February 9, 2005: Index: PCOL Exclusive: RPCV Bob Taft (Tanzania) :
June 18, 2005: Headlines: Figures: COS - Tanzania: Politics: State Government: Toledo Blade: Bob Taft purged one of his high-ranking employees for keeping him out of the loop about a $215 million loss in the months leading to the presidential election
Bob Taft purged one of his high-ranking employees for keeping him out of the loop about a $215 million loss in the months leading to the presidential election
Ohio Governor Robert Taft served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Tanzania in the 1960's.
Bob Taft purged one of his high-ranking employees for keeping him out of the loop about a $215 million loss in the months leading to the presidential election
Taft demotes aide over withheld data
SIlence about $215M loss a 'critical error'
Gov. Bob Taft told the Buckeye Boys' State mock Bureau of Workers' Compensation the real bureau has failed repeatedly.
COLUMBUS — The investment scandal at the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation escalated yesterday as Gov. Bob Taft purged one of his high-ranking employees for keeping him out of the loop about a $215 million loss in the months leading to the presidential election.
Yesterday was James Samuel’s final day in the governor’s office, said Mark Rickel, Mr. Taft’s press secretary.
“He made a very critical mistake in not passing along information on the size of the MDL loss,” Mr. Rickel said.
The bureau confirmed June 7 that a high-risk hedge fund that it invested in through Pittsburgh-based MDL Capital Management had lost $215 million in just a few months last year.
On June 8, an e-mail surfaced that James Conrad, the bureau’s former administrator-CEO, wrote to Mr. Samuel on Oct. 26, 2004, explaining that the “entire value” of the hedge fund that MDL managed had been lost.
“I did not directly tell the governor about the dollar figure,” Mr. Samuel said last night, repeating his statement a week ago that he recalls briefing Jon Allison, the governor’s chief of staff, about the Oct. 26, 2004 e-mail — but does not remember telling Mr. Allison that the entire $215 million had been lost.
“Maybe I did. Maybe I didn’t,” he told The Blade on June 9.
Mr. Allison has said Mr. Samuel, 35, did not forward or discuss the e-mail contents with him.
Mr. Taft has said he was not told about Mr. Conrad’s e-mail and didn’t know the extent of the loss until last week.
Mr. Samuel, who in July, 2003, joined the governor’s office as an executive assistant for business and industry after working eight years for the bureau, is being demoted to a post in the taxation department. He’ll work on tax amnesty programs, with his salary trimmed from $80,000 to $76,000, Mr. Rickel said.
Mr. Conrad announced his resignation May 27 after Mr. Taft said the bureau had “failed to implement proper controls to safeguard” the bureau’s $50 million investment in rare-coin funds controlled by Tom Noe, a Toledo-area coin dealer and Republican fund-raiser.
Mr. Taft decided not to fire Mr. Samuel because he has been a “very capable employee who has worked tirelessly” on the governor’s plan to overhaul the state tax system, Mr. Rickel said.
Karen Huey, director of the Ohio Office of Criminal Justice Services since November, 2003, will be Mr. Taft’s new liaison to the bureau, the governor announced yesterday.
When this story was posted in June 2005, this was on the front page of PCOL:
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Story Source: Toledo Blade
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