April 10, 2005: Headlines: COS - Tunisia: Staff: Deputy Directors - Olsen: : Profiles of Mormons in D.C.: Jody Olsen - Deputy Director of the Peace Corps (daughter of former Rep. David S. King)
Peace Corps Online:
Special Report: Peace Corps Deputy Director Jody Olsen:
April 10, 2005: Headlines: COS - Tunisia: Staff: Deputy Directors - Olsen: : Profiles of Mormons in D.C.: Jody Olsen - Deputy Director of the Peace Corps (daughter of former Rep. David S. King)
Profiles of Mormons in D.C.: Jody Olsen - Deputy Director of the Peace Corps (daughter of former Rep. David S. King)
Jody Olsen, Deputy Director of the Peace Corps appointed by President George W. Bush, served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Tunisia.
Profiles of Mormons in D.C.: Jody Olsen - Deputy Director of the Peace Corps (daughter of former Rep. David S. King)
D.C. Mormons:The Players
Profiles of Mormons in D.C.
(5 Members):
Orrin Hatch (R-Utah; Elected 1976) - former chairman of Judiciary Committee
Harry Reid (D-Nevada; Elected 1986) - Democratic Leader (2005Ð); Holds the most senior position ever held by a Mormon in Congress
Bob Bennett (R-Utah; Elected 1992) - Chief Deputy Majority Whip
Gordon Smith (R-Oregon; Elected 1996) - Deputy Majority Whip
Mike Crapo (R-Idaho; Elected 1998)
(11 Members):
Wally Herger (R-California) - 10th term
Eni F. H. Faleomavaega (D-American Samoa) - 9th term (Territorial Delegate without full House voting rights)
John Doolittle (R-California) - 8th term; Secretary of the House Republican Conference - sixth highest ranking position in House Republican leadership
Ernest Istook (R-Oklahoma) - 7th term
Buck McKeon (R-California) - 7th term
Chris Cannon (R-Utah) - 5th term
Mike Simpson (R-Idaho) - 4th term
Tom Udall (D-New Mexico) - 4th term (Son of former Congressman and former Interior Secretary Stewart Udall of Arizona)
Jeff Flake (R-Arizona) - 3rd term
Jim Matheson (D-Utah) - 3rd term
Rob Bishop (R-Utah) - 2nd term
Michael E. O'Neill - Chief Counsel, Senate Judiciary Committee (2005 Ð); member U.S. Sentencing Commission (1999-2005)
Bob King - Democratic Staff Director, House International Relations Committee
Kay King - Senior Policy Adviser, Democratic Staff, House International Relations Committee
Royal Shipp - Deputy Associate Director for Research Coordination, Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress; bishop of a Spanish-speaking ward
Executive branch
Mike Leavitt - Secretary, Health and Human Services
Kathleen Clarke - Director of the Bureau of Land Management, Interior
Randal K. Quarles - Assistant Secretary for International Affairs, Treasury
David Tenny - Deputy Undersecretary for Natural Resources and Environment, Agriculture
Rodney J. Brown - Deputy Undersecretary for Research, Education and Economics, Agriculture
Jeffrey R. Holmstead - Assistant Administrator for Air & Radiation, Environmental Protection Agency; stake president in Maryland
Jody Olsen - Deputy Director of the Peace Corps (daughter of former Rep. David S. King)
Sheldon Bradshaw - Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Civil Rights division, Justice
D. Kyle Sampson - Deputy Chief of Staff to the Attorney General, Justice (2003-present), and formerly Associate Counsel to the President (2001-03)
Russell Munk - Assistant General Counsel (International Affairs), Treasury
Robert D. Walpole - National Intelligence Officer for Strategic and Nuclear Programs, CIA
Taylor Oldroyd - Special Assistant to the Chief of Natural Resources Conservation Service, Agriculture
Stephen Fletcher - Deputy Chief Information Officer and Chief Technology Officer, Education (son of James C. Fletcher, twice head of NASA and president of University of Utah)
L. Ralph Mecham - Director, Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts; former stake president in Washington D.C.
Retired senior
government officials:
Paul A. Yost Jr. - Former Commandant, U.S. Coast Guard; currently President, James Madison Foundation
William Heaton - Former Chief of Research, Production and Analysis Group, CIA
Darwin A. John - Former Chief Information Officer, FBI (resigned fall, 2004)
David Gribbin - Former Assistant Secretary of Defense during the first Bush administration, helped on the Bush/Cheney transition team in the confirmation of cabinet secretaries, lobbyist for Halliburton Co., an oil field-services company
Trade association
Jack Gerard - President and CEO, National Mining Association; president of McLean, Va., stake
Dick Hanneman - Executive Director, Salt Institute
Wayne Abernathy - Executive Director for Financial Institutions Policy and Regulatory Affairs, American Bankers Association (formerly Assistant Secretary for Financial Institutions, Treasury)
Cynthia Hilton - Executive Vice President for Government Affairs, Institute of Makers of Explosives
Prominent lobbyists:
Bill Nixon - Partner, Policy Impact Strategic Communications, which does public relations, media and crisis management; clients include Corporation for Public Broadcasting, as well as political issue campaigns such as opposition to medical malpractice insurance and support for
Test your IQ!
presidential judicial nominees
Laird Walker - Principal in Walker, Martin and Hatch, clients include Bayer Healthcare, Glaxosmithkline, the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, and the National Nutritional Foods Association; bishop of singles ward
Scott Hatch - Principal in Walker, Martin and Hatch. Son of Sen. Orrin Hatch
James C. Barker - Clients include Utah Transit Authority, Park City, Fannie Mae and Southern California Water Districts
Marcus Faust - Independent land and water lobbyist; clients include Brigham Young University and University of Nevada, Reno, medical school. Son of President James E. Faust, second counselor in the LDS Church's First Presidency
Lew Cramer - Summit Ventures, clients include City of Orem, Utopia, and the Thai Frozen Food Association
Charles Cannon - Cannon Consultants, Inc., clients include a number of educational and research institutions, including Utah Valley State College
David B. Lee - Lee and Smith, P.C.; lobbyist for Utah State University and other clients
Angela Bay Buchanan - President, American Cause (conservative educational foundation founded by her brother Pat Buchanan); conservative political activist
Bill Simmons - Dutco Group, one of largest D.C. shops with dozens of clients such as Western Governors University, Clear Play and Sandy City
James D. Santini - Has own lobbying group, which works on behalf of air tour operators in national parks
Washington area business leaders:
J. Willard Marriott, Jr. - Chairman and CEO of Marriott International; former stake president, currently Area Authority Seventy
Richard Marriott - Chairman of Host Marriott Corp. and First Media Corp.
Sid V. Foulger - Founder/principal of Foulger-Pratt Construction Co., built LDS temple in D.C. as well as the Crossroads Mall in Salt Lake City; former bishop
Nolan Archibald - Chairman, President and CEO of Black and Decker, also president of the Washington, D.C. LDS Stake
Omar Kader - Founder and Chairman of Pal-Tech Inc., a management consulting firm focusing on training, technical assistance, and management; contracts with the Department of Health and Human Services, Labor, State's Foreign Service Institute and the Agency for International Development
Other prominent
Washington leaders:
Kent Colton - Principal of K. Colton, LLC, which consults on housing industry issues; former executive vice president and CEO of the National Association of Homebuilders and former vice president of Policy, Planning and Economic Research for Freddie Mac. Just released as McLean, Va., stake president
Bill Hansen - Senior vice president and managing director, Affiliated Computer Services Inc., an education services business; formerly senior official in Education (Son of George Hansen, former LDS congressman from Idaho)
Tim Flannigan - General Counsel, Corporate and International Law of Tyco International; and former Deputy Counsel and Deputy Assistant to the President (2001-2002)
LDS Church representatives and leaders of the
Washington, D.C., Public Affairs Committee:
Elder Ralph Hardy - Area Authority Seventy and head of the Washington LDS Public Affairs Committee; attorney with the Washington law firm Dow, Lohnis and Albertson, PLLC
Ann Santini - director of International Affairs, wife of former Nevada congressman and unsuccessful U.S. Senate candidate James Santini
Lamar Sleight - recently retired director of government affairs for the LDS Church in Washington, D.C.; former Oakston, Va., stake president
When this story was posted in April 2005, this was on the front page of PCOL:
Peace Corps Online The Independent News Forum serving Returned Peace Corps Volunteers
 | The Peace Corps Library Peace Corps Online is proud to announce that the Peace Corps Library is now available online. With over 30,000 index entries in 500 categories, this is the largest collection of Peace Corps related stories in the world. From Acting to Zucchini, you can find hundreds of stories about what RPCVs with your same interests or from your Country of Service are doing today. If you have a web site, support the "Peace Corps Library" and link to it today. |
 | RPCVs and Friends remember Pope John Paul II Tony Hall found the pope to be courageous and capable of forgiving the man who shot him in 1981, Mark Gearan said the pope was as dynamic in person as he appears on television, Maria Shriver said he was a beacon of virtue, strength and goodness, and an RPCV who met the pope while serving in the Solomon Islands said he possessed the holiness of a man filled with a deep love and concern for humanity. Leave your thoughts here. |
 | Friends of the Peace Corps 170,000 strong 170,000 is a very special number for the RPCV community - it's the number of Volunteers who have served in the Peace Corps since 1961. It's also a number that is very special to us because March is the first month since our founding in January, 2001 that our readership has exceeded 170,000. And while we know that not everyone who comes to this site is an RPCV, they are all "Friends of the Peace Corps." Thanks everybody for making PCOL your source of news for the Returned Volunteer community. |
 | Crisis Corps arrives in Thailand After the Tsunami in Southeast Asia last December, Peace Corps issued an appeal for Crisis Corps Volunteers and over 200 RPCVs responded. The first team of 8 Crisis Corps volunteers departed for Thailand on March 18 to join RPCVs who are already supporting relief efforts in Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, and India with other agencies and NGO's. |
 | RPCVs in Congress ask colleagues to support PC RPCVs Sam Farr, Chris Shays, Thomas Petri, James Walsh, and Mike Honda have asked their colleagues in Congress to add their names to a letter they have written to the House Foreign Operations Subcommittee, asking for full funding of $345 M for the Peace Corps in 2006. As a follow-on to Peace Corps week, please read the letter and call your Representative in Congress and ask him or her to add their name to the letter. |
 | Add your info now to the RPCV Directory Call Harris Publishing at 800-414-4608 right away to add your name or make changes to your listing in the newest edition of the NPCA's Directory of Peace Corps Volunteers and Former Staff. Then read our story on how you can get access to the book after it is published. The deadline for inclusion is May 16 so call now. |
 | March 1: National Day of Action Tuesday, March 1, is the NPCA's National Day of Action. Please call your Senators and ask them to support the President's proposed $27 Million budget increase for the Peace Corps for FY2006 and ask them to oppose the elimination of Perkins loans that benefit Peace Corps volunteers from low-income backgrounds. Follow this link for step-by-step information on how to make your calls. Then take our poll and leave feedback on how the calls went. |
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