By Admin1 (admin) ( - on Friday, July 01, 2005 - 12:40 pm: Edit Post |
1978: Jan Argo Eklund served in Afghanistan in Kabul beginning in 1978
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Jan Argo Eklund can be contacted at janargoacomcastdnet
Country of Service: Afghanistan
Cities you served in: Kabul
Arrival Year: 1978
Departure Year: 1978
Work Description:
Teacher-Kabul University
Other Countries you served in, Training Group Name Arrival Year, Departure Year, Work Description:
Taught Ceramics and Design courses in the Dept.of Fine Arts
Bring us up to date on your life after the peace corps:
Had three children,lived in Africa in five countries(Botswana,Swaziland,Kenya,Mozambique and Egypt) for 18 years.I was a alternative health practictioner and mother. Came back to U.S. in 1998. I have been working as a Speech Therapist while working on a masters degree in Speech&Language Pathology.Remarried in January 04 to John Eklund and live in Los Alamos, NM.
Any thoughts you have now looking back on peace corps days?:
Peace Corps was a wonderful start to a great and long life overseas. I miss the expatriot life and wonderful exotic people and cultures.
Originally posted: July 1, 2005
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By vera ( on Friday, January 06, 2006 - 4:40 am: Edit Post |
hello, i' m greatly interested in the state of medcine in Afghanistan in 1978-1979, when DR. Zerai and Dr. Salarzai, Ghulam m. were at head of medical service, thank you.