August 29, 2005: Headlines: Figures: COS - Tanzania: Politics: State Government: Toledo Blade: Taft claims he can still govern, but not all agree

Peace Corps Online: Directory: Tanzania: Special Report: Ohio Governor Bob Taft, RPCV Tanzania: February 9, 2005: Index: PCOL Exclusive: RPCV Bob Taft (Tanzania) : August 29, 2005: Headlines: Figures: COS - Tanzania: Politics: State Government: Toledo Blade: Taft claims he can still govern, but not all agree

By Admin1 (admin) ( - on Sunday, September 04, 2005 - 1:14 pm: Edit Post

Taft claims he can still govern, but not all agree

Taft claims he can still govern, but not all agree

Mr. Taft's supporters argue that he has managed the state well during the last five months, even with the cloud of scandal hanging over his administration. Despite the distractions stemming from the scandal, they predict the governor will be effective in separating his political problems from the issues concerning the state. Ohio Governor Robert Taft served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Tanzania in the 1960's.

Taft claims he can still govern, but not all agree

Taft claims he can still govern, but not all agree

Issue One proposal called referendum on his ability



COLUMBUS - With his criminal conviction behind him, Gov. Bob Taft has pledged to buckle down and conduct the business of the state for his final 16 months in office.

But lingering concerns about what he knew about Ohio's failed $50 million rare-coin investment with Tom Noe and continuing revelations in the state investment scandal have put Mr. Taft's ability to effectively govern in peril, according to some Democrats and Republicans.

As a result, members of the state legislature from both political parties and grassroots organizations from the left and the right have called on the governor to step aside to allow the state to recover from the embarrassment that is swirling through his administration and state government.

Mr. Taft's supporters argue that he has managed the state well during the last five months, even with the cloud of scandal hanging over his administration. Despite the distractions stemming from the scandal, they predict the governor will be effective in separating his political problems from the issues concerning the state.

On Saturday, Mr. Noe's attorney, William Wilkinson, issued a news release providing details of a locker room conversation at Toledo's exclusive Inverness Club between Mr. Noe and the governor in May, 2001, in which the rare-coin investment with the Ohio Bureau of Workers' Compensation was allegedly discussed.

Mr. Taft, who was convicted Aug. 18 on ethics charges, has adamantly denied having any knowledge of the investment at the center of the scandal until The Blade first reported on the coin fund on April 3, 2005.

On Wednesday, during a stop in Toledo, Mr. Taft spoke of his administration's policy accomplishments and he said he expects more accomplishments before he leaves office.

"My job is to continue to do the job that I was elected to do over the next months," he said. "I have one job to do and that is to move this state forward as governor."

He said he did not believe his policy initiatives would be overshadowed by the scandal.

"We just came through a remarkable year from a policy standpoint," Mr. Taft said. "Even in the last two and a half months, we approved a slow growth budget that cuts our income taxes by 21 percent, reduces sales tax, [and includes] a new business tax system that I believe will help us grow jobs. We're excited about implementing that, excited about Medicare reforms in the state budget.

"I'll continue to do the work I was elected to do as the governor in this state."

The governor, though, faces challenges not only in his official capacity, but as the chief supporter of the Third Frontier ballot initiative, which voters will decide in November. Mr. Taft is asking Ohioans to support a $500 million bond issue for high-tech investment on the Nov. 8 ballot.

David Zanotti, the president of Ohio Roundtable, a nonprofit organization often aligned with conservative ideals, said last week that the Third Frontier Issue One ballot question will be a "referendum" on Mr. Taft.

When this story was posted in August 2005, this was on the front page of PCOL:

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Story Source: Toledo Blade

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