September 6, 2005: Headlines: COS - Iran: Architecture: Residential Architect: Mike McKenna studied architecture at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, then joined the Peace Corps to work in city planning in Iran
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September 6, 2005: Headlines: COS - Iran: Architecture: Residential Architect: Mike McKenna studied architecture at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, then joined the Peace Corps to work in city planning in Iran
Mike McKenna studied architecture at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, then joined the Peace Corps to work in city planning in Iran
"I was always interested in building, and buildings," McKenna, 59, said. He studied architecture at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, then joined the Peace Corps to work in city planning in Iran.
Mike McKenna studied architecture at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, then joined the Peace Corps to work in city planning in Iran
CAREERS; Building By Design; Job Prospects Are Particularly Good for Beginning Architects in the Northeast
Source: Patriot Ledger, The; Quincy, Mass.
Publication date: 2005-09-06
He is not the only South Shore architect to discover his calling early in life. Mike McKenna, owner of McKenna Group Ltd. in Quincy, decided to become one when he was 10.
"I was always interested in building, and buildings," McKenna, 59, said. He studied architecture at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, then joined the Peace Corps to work in city planning in Iran. He also worked at large firms in New York and Boston before establishing his own practice in 1980.
McKenna found he enjoyed commercial work, and his firm specializes in office renovations. He prefers its rapid turnaround to working on the same project for two to three years, he said.
"In corporate work, the pace is fast, the demands are many, but you see an end product pretty quickly," he said. "I like to make decisions quickly and to see the results of those decisions come to life."
When this story was posted in September 2005, this was on the front page of PCOL:

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Story Source: Residential Architect
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