October 9, 2005: Headlines: COS - El Salvador: Obituaries: The Denver Post: El Salvador RPCV Michael J. Friel dies
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October 9, 2005: Headlines: COS - El Salvador: Obituaries: The Denver Post: El Salvador RPCV Michael J. Friel dies
El Salvador RPCV Michael J. Friel dies
He worked as a carpenter in the building trades in the Denver area. He was a veteran of the US Army during the Vietnam War. He also served for 2 years in the Peace Corps in San Salvador following his military service.
El Salvador RPCV Michael J. Friel dies
Friel, Michael J.
The Denver Post
October 9, 2005
FRIEL, MICHAEL J. Michael J. Friel, age 54, of Denver, CO, died at the Denver V.A. Medical Center on Friday, October 7, 2005. He was born in Amboy, Illinois on December 26, 1950. He worked as a carpenter in the building trades in the Denver area. He was a veteran of the US Army during the Vietnam War. He also served for 2 years in the Peace Corps in San Salvador following his military service. He was preceded in death by his parents; 1 sister, Lillian Eisenberg. He is survived by 2 sisters, Ellen (Albert) Figueroa of Akron, CO, and Marla (Jan) Freil of Dixon, IL. Memorial Mass will be on Monday Oct. 10, 2005 7:00 PM at Holy Ghost Catholic Church, 1900 California St., Denver, CO. Burial of cremains will be at a later date in St. Patrick Cemetery in Maytown, IL. In lieu of flowers, a memorial has been established to Samaritan House for the Homeless.
When this story was posted in October 2005, this was on the front page of PCOL:

Peace Corps Online The Independent News Forum serving Returned Peace Corps Volunteers
 | 'Celebration of Service' a major success The Peace Corps Fund's 'Celebration of Service' on September 29 in New York City was a major success raising approximately $100,000 for third goal activities. In the photo are Maureen Orth (Colombia); John Coyne (Ethiopia) Co-founder of the Peace Corps Fund; Caroline Kennedy; Barbara Anne Ferris (Morocco) Co-founder; Former Senator Harris Wofford, member of the Advisory Board. Read the story here. |
 | PC apologizes for the "Kasama incident" The District Commissioner for the Kasama District in Zambia issued a statement banning Peace Corps activities for ‘grave’ social misconduct and unruly behavior for an incident that occurred on September 24 involving 13 PCVs. Peace Corps said that some of the information put out about the incident was "inflammatory and false." On October 12, Country Director Davy Morris met with community leaders and apologized for the incident. All PCVs involved have been reprimanded, three are returning home, and a ban in the district has since been lifted. |
 | Why blurring the lines puts PCVs in danger When the National Call to Service legislation was amended to include Peace Corps in December of 2002, this country had not yet invaded Iraq and was not in prolonged military engagement in the Middle East, as it is now. Read the story of how one volunteer spent three years in captivity from 1976 to 1980 as the hostage of a insurrection group in Colombia in Joanne Marie Roll's op-ed on why this legislation may put soldier/PCVs in the same kind of danger. |
 | The Peace Corps Library Peace Corps Online is proud to announce that the Peace Corps Library is now available online. With over 30,000 index entries in 500 categories, this is the largest collection of Peace Corps related stories in the world. From Acting to Zucchini, you can find hundreds of stories about what RPCVs with your same interests or from your Country of Service are doing today. If you have a web site, support the "Peace Corps Library" and link to it today. |
 | Friends of the Peace Corps 170,000 strong 170,000 is a very special number for the RPCV community - it's the number of Volunteers who have served in the Peace Corps since 1961. It's also a number that is very special to us because March is the first month since our founding in January, 2001 that our readership has exceeded 170,000. And while we know that not everyone who comes to this site is an RPCV, they are all "Friends of the Peace Corps." Thanks everybody for making PCOL your source of news for the Returned Volunteer community. |
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Story Source: The Denver Post
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