1975: Russell Triebert served in Korea in Yang Yang, Kongwando beginning in 1975

Peace Corps Online: Directory: Korea: Directory of Korea RPCVs: 1975: Russell Triebert served in Korea in Yang Yang, Kongwando beginning in 1975

By Admin1 (admin) (pool-151-196-110-196.balt.east.verizon.net - on Friday, November 11, 2005 - 5:26 pm: Edit Post

1975: Russell Triebert served in Korea in Yang Yang, Kongwando beginning in 1975

1975: Russell Triebert served in Korea in Yang Yang, Kongwando beginning in 1975

Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Russell Triebert can be contacted at russtacharterdnet

Country of Service: Korea

Training Group: K-35

Cities you served in: Yang Yang, Kongwando

Arrival Year: 1975

Departure Year: 1978

Work Description: TESL

Bring us up to date on your life after the peace corps:
Life post Peace Corps has never been as exciting or energizing. I'm in sales and I travel, but it's just not the same. At least my kids are experiencing the world as teens as I did in 1975.

Any thoughts you have now looking back on peace corps days?:
I'd do it all over again without question, and still may.

Anyone you are looking for or would like to hear from?:
Some of the trainers in K-35, Ms. Barco, perhaps, and some of the bankers at the Bank Of Korea that I worked with in the years I stayed following PC service, but I've lost contact.

Any message for returned volunteers?:
E.mail me. russt@charter.net

Originally posted: December 4, 2002

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By Russell Triebert (adsl-157-104-140.clt.bellsouth.net - on Monday, October 02, 2006 - 11:35 am: Edit Post

Hi all! I'm back in Morganton NC for the cycling, hiking and great outdoor stuff we can do here. My new e.mail address is rusty.triebert@gmail.com

By Kyunghyun Cho (atfuller.fuller.edu - on Wednesday, September 26, 2007 - 5:39 pm: Edit Post


My name is Kyung hyun Cho, who was a freshman in Yang Yang Middle School when you were in my hometown. It’s been in more than 30 years ago, but I still vividly remember your name. I couldn’t remember your face but I sill remember the date you came to my English class with Mr. Choi Ki-young and showed the English spelling of my name.

I sometimes told to my niece who was born and raised in the State, but is now in Bulgaria as a Peace Corps, about you and Peace Corps. She told me that the story was really inspired her and made her to join the Peace Corps. I am really appreciated your contribution and volunteer works throughout those days.

Now I became a librarian in Pasadena, California after I got my master degree in San Jose State University. I came to the State after I graduated college in Seoul.

Hope this is not bother you but I am just happy to send my heart for your volunteer work. Though you weren’t long enough to stay my school, but you really helped us, especially, me. Hope you have a great memory in Yang Yang and Korea as well.

Thank you very much,

Kyung Hyun Cho
Cataloging Librarian, MLIS
Fuller Theological Seminary

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