2006.03.02: March 2, 2006: Headlines: COS - Iran: COS - India: Awards: Staff: Country Director - Iran: Swampscott Reporter: Warren Sawyer was deputy director of Peace Corps India (1969-71) and then Peace Corps country director of Iran (1971-74)
Peace Corps Online:
Peace Corps Iran :
The Peace Corps in Iran:
2006.03.02: March 2, 2006: Headlines: COS - Iran: COS - India: Awards: Staff: Country Director - Iran: Swampscott Reporter: Warren Sawyer was deputy director of Peace Corps India (1969-71) and then Peace Corps country director of Iran (1971-74)
Warren Sawyer was deputy director of Peace Corps India (1969-71) and then Peace Corps country director of Iran (1971-74)
The Third Goal Service Award is awarded to individuals who, through continued service at home and abroad, have exemplified the Third Goal of the Peace Corps - to promote a better understanding of other people on the part of the American people - through promoting intercultural awareness and understanding. Nominees must have served in the Peace Corps and live in the greater Boston area, but need not be a member of a New England RPCV group.
Warren Sawyer was deputy director of Peace Corps India (1969-71) and then Peace Corps country director of Iran (1971-74)
Sawyers to be honored for Peace Corps work
Thursday, March 2, 2006
Swampscott residents Warren and Joan Sawyer have been awarded Third Goal Service Awards by Boston Area Returned Peace Corps Volunteers Inc. Warren Sawyer was deputy director of Peace Corps India (1969-71) and then Peace Corps country director of Iran (1971-74).
Warren and Joan Sawyer won this award because of their tireless work in promoting Third World understanding in all facets of his life. Upon returning from Peace Corps, he served on the International Board of Directors for Habitat for Humanity. While this volunteer effort was primarily to serve homeless families, a great contribution was made in the promotion of understanding of the needs for housing internationally and how U.S. citizens can contribute to meeting their needs.
Both Warren and Joan have served with local Habitat for Humanity affiliates, promoting safe, decent housing for locals as well. They initiated the International Food Fair as a fund-raiser for the First Church in Swampscott with funds going to the local and international Habitat projects. Twelve years ago Warren and Joan co-founded a non-profit housing organization to provide affordable housing in New England.
One of The Caleb Foundation's goals is to develop housing in Central or Latin America as a way to continue to serve internationally. They have been instrumental in promoting international understanding in their church where they are very active. Examples include sponsoring a Vietnamese extended family for relocation to Lynn, promoting and then leading church work camps to Honduras, Haiti and India, and initiating and conducting educational programs on Islam and cross cultural understanding regarding Muslims after 9-11.
The Third Goal Service Award is awarded to individuals who, through continued service at home and abroad, have exemplified the Third Goal of the Peace Corps - to promote a better understanding of other people on the part of the American people - through promoting intercultural awareness and understanding. Nominees must have served in the Peace Corps and live in the greater Boston area, but need not be a member of a New England RPCV group.
A Saturday ceremony will observe the Peace Corps 45th anniversary celebration Saturday, March 4, at the John F Kennedy Library and Museum in Boston. The award will be presented at 2:30 p.m., following a film at 12:30 p.m. about Peace Corps work in Nepal during the 1970s and a talk at 1:45 p.m. when co-founder Tim Prestero will describe his work on innovations to social programs in developing countries.
The Boston Area Returned Peace Corps Volunteers is a non-profit organization founded in 1978 with 400 members. BARPCV seeks to connect with and support returned and prospective volunteers and to carry out the third goal of the Peace Corps, as stated in the 1961 Peace Corps Act: "To promote a better understanding of other people on the part of American people."
When this story was posted in March 2006, this was on the front page of PCOL:

Peace Corps Online The Independent News Forum serving Returned Peace Corps Volunteers
 | March 1, 1961: Keeping Kennedy's Promise On March 1, 1961, President John F. Kennedy issues Executive Order #10924, establishing the Peace Corps as a new agency: "Life in the Peace Corps will not be easy. There will be no salary and allowances will be at a level sufficient only to maintain health and meet basic needs. Men and women will be expected to work and live alongside the nationals of the country in which they are stationed--doing the same work, eating the same food, talking the same language. But if the life will not be easy, it will be rich and satisfying. For every young American who participates in the Peace Corps--who works in a foreign land--will know that he or she is sharing in the great common task of bringing to man that decent way of life which is the foundation of freedom and a condition of peace. " |
 | The Peace Corps Library The Peace Corps Library is now available online with over 40,000 index entries in 500 categories. Looking for a Returned Volunteer? Check our RPCV Directory. New: Sign up to receive PCOL Magazine, our free Monthly Magazine by email. Like to keep up with Peace Corps news as it happens? Sign up to recieve a daily summary of Peace Corps stories from around the world. |
 | Paid Vacations in the Third World? Retired diplomat Peter Rice has written a letter to the Wall Street Journal stating that Peace Corps "is really just a U.S. government program for paid vacations in the Third World." Director Vasquez has responded that "the small stipend volunteers receive during their two years of service is more than returned in the understanding fostered in communities throughout the world and here at home." What do RPCVs think? |
 | RPCV admits to abuse while in Peace Corps Timothy Ronald Obert has pleaded guilty to sexually abusing a minor in Costa Rica while serving there as a Peace Corps volunteer. "The Peace Corps has a zero tolerance policy for misconduct that violates the law or standards of conduct established by the Peace Corps," said Peace Corps Director Gaddi H. Vasquez. Could inadequate screening have been partly to blame? Mr. Obert's resume, which he had submitted to the Peace Corps in support of his application to become a Peace Corps Volunteer, showed that he had repeatedly sought and obtained positions working with underprivileged children. Read what RPCVs have to say about this case. |
 | Why blurring the lines puts PCVs in danger When the National Call to Service legislation was amended to include Peace Corps in December of 2002, this country had not yet invaded Iraq and was not in prolonged military engagement in the Middle East, as it is now. Read the story of how one volunteer spent three years in captivity from 1976 to 1980 as the hostage of a insurrection group in Colombia in Joanne Marie Roll's op-ed on why this legislation may put soldier/PCVs in the same kind of danger. Latest: Read the ongoing dialog on the subject. |
 | PC establishes awards for top Volunteers Gaddi H. Vasquez has established the Kennedy Service Awards to honor the hard work and service of two current Peace Corps Volunteers, two returned Peace Corps Volunteers, and two Peace Corps staff members. The award to currently serving volunteers will be based on a demonstration of impact, sustainability, creativity, and catalytic effect. Submit your nominations by December 9. |
 | Friends of the Peace Corps 170,000 strong 170,000 is a very special number for the RPCV community - it's the number of Volunteers who have served in the Peace Corps since 1961. It's also a number that is very special to us because March is the first month since our founding in January, 2001 that our readership has exceeded 170,000. And while we know that not everyone who comes to this site is an RPCV, they are all "Friends of the Peace Corps." Thanks everybody for making PCOL your source of news for the Returned Volunteer community. |
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Story Source: Swampscott Reporter
This story has been posted in the following forums: : Headlines; COS - Iran; COS - India; Awards; Staff; Country Director - Iran