Future Volunteer seeks advice

Peace Corps Online: Directory: Congo - Kinshasa (Zaire): Peace Corps Congo Kinshasa : The Peace Corps in Congo - Kinshasa: April 18, 2003 - North County News: Zaire RPCVs Bill Weber and Amy Vedder: Conservation, Gorillas and Lacrosse : Future Volunteer seeks advice

By Adam Redgrave (mckeldinb-78.umd.edu - on Saturday, April 01, 2006 - 11:24 am: Edit Post

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am attempting to contact Bill Weber or Amy Vedder as I am planning to join the Peace Corps and would like to make conservation and ecotourism development my specialty both during my service and beyond. As they are both former volunteers and pioneers of the ecotourism industry, I would very much like to get any advice from them that I can. I understand completely if you cannot release their email address(s) to me, but if you can forward this message to them I would appreciate it very much.

A bit about me: I spent three years living in Kenya where my father was a Peace Corps volunteer. (My stepmother was a volunteer as well, serving in Brazil.) Like my father, I am an honorably discharged veteran of the United States Army. I am currently finishing a degree in business and would like, if possible, to gear my volunteer experience toward the development of eco-tourism businesses or wildlife preserve management.

Thank you very much.

Adam Redgrave
4613 College Ave.
College park, MD 20740
(301)-326-5490 (If no answer pls leave message)

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