By Admin1 (admin) ( - on Monday, July 31, 2006 - 6:15 pm: Edit Post |
1966: Chuck Foster served in Iran in Kermanshah and Hamadan beginning in 1966
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Chuck Foster can be contacted at cpfskylaneaaoldcom
Country of Service: Iran
Training Group: XIV
Cities you served in: Kermanshah and Hamadan
Arrival Year: 1966
Departure Year: 1968
Work Description:
Our group was trained for rural village development -- most of us were paired up (usually a generalist with an architect or engineer), sent off to various provincial cities and assigned to various government development offices and then we off we went into the local villages. The projects I was directly involved in included a bring electricty to a remote village; building a five room schoolhouse in a Kurdish village outside Kermansah (designed by paired architect)and plumbing village bathhouse to the local freshwater well so they could replace the stagnant water with fresh water. In addition I taught English in the evenings at the Kermanshah Iran-America Society.
Bring us up to date on your life after the peace corps:
From 1969 to 1978 taught high school English (mostly) at three Bay Area schools (eight of those years at Mt. Diablo High School in Concord, CA.
Married in 1972 (34 years this August! Hard to grasp that concept!) Moved to Washington state in 1978 to begin full time work as a labor relations specialist and have been a self employed labor relations consultant since 1985 with mostly public sector clients (school districts, fire districts, library districts, etc.) Two healthy kids, 29 and 26. I like them both.
Any thoughts you have now looking back on peace corps days?:
Moslty very good thoughts. Wonderful people, eye opening and mind expanding experiences. A life changing experience.
Anyone you are looking for or would like to hear from?:
Anyone who was in Iran during those years, especially those from our group.
Originally posted: July 31, 2006
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