2007.12.20: December 20, 2007: Headlines: COS - Ghana: Holidays: Thanksgiving: The Ithaca Journal: Caitlin Hardie celebrates holidays in Ghana
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2007.12.20: December 20, 2007: Headlines: COS - Ghana: Holidays: Thanksgiving: The Ithaca Journal: Caitlin Hardie celebrates holidays in Ghana
Caitlin Hardie celebrates holidays in Ghana
Caitlin Hardie, who is serving as a Peace Corps volunteer in Volta, Ghana, sent a brief note recently describing a cross-cultural Thanksgiving Day there. It was a gathering of the trainees and others with a dish-to-pass dinner including one turkey split among the 50-plus diners. They had many interesting dishes, from homemade stuffing to papaya crepes. She was amazed at the variety of foods that people could make using foreign ingredients. No mention of fufu being served, as previously noted in one of her e-mails. Still wondering what fufu contains.
Caitlin Hardie celebrates holidays in Ghana
Lansing Town Talk: Peace Corps volunteer celebrates holidays in Ghana
Caitlin Hardie, who is serving as a Peace Corps volunteer in Volta, Ghana, sent a brief note recently describing a cross-cultural Thanksgiving Day there.
It was a gathering of the trainees and others with a dish-to-pass dinner including one turkey split among the 50-plus diners. They had many interesting dishes, from homemade stuffing to papaya crepes. She was amazed at the variety of foods that people could make using foreign ingredients. No mention of fufu being served, as previously noted in one of her e-mails. Still wondering what fufu contains.
Caitlin became an official Peace Corps volunteer as of Nov. 27. She described the fancy ceremony, which included a procession, crazy outfits and lots of celebrating afterwards. She, along with many of the newly installed volunteers, felt a huge relief to be finished with their training but also a little anxious about moving on to their sites.
Caitlin closed her letter by writing that she was happy, healthy, anxious and excited about what the next two years will bring and wished everyone a very happy holiday season. She mentioned missing everyone and American food — do you think she misses the cold weather, deep snow and slippery roads? I think not.
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Headlines: December, 2007; Peace Corps Ghana; Directory of Ghana RPCVs; Messages and Announcements for Ghana RPCVs; Holidays; Thanksgiving
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Story Source: The Ithaca Journal
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