2007.12.18: December 18, 2007: Headlines: COS - Dominican Republic: Awards: Oregon Live: Dominican Republic RPCV Ed Warmoth earns prestigious Integrity Award as Rotarian
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2007.12.18: December 18, 2007: Headlines: COS - Dominican Republic: Awards: Oregon Live: Dominican Republic RPCV Ed Warmoth earns prestigious Integrity Award as Rotarian
Dominican Republic RPCV Ed Warmoth earns prestigious Integrity Award as Rotarian
Upon retiring in 1985, Warmoth and his wife served two years as Peace Corps volunteers in the Dominican Republic, followed by time with the International Habitat for Humanity public relations program at headquarters in Americus, Ga.
Dominican Republic RPCV Ed Warmoth earns prestigious Integrity Award as Rotarian
Ed Warmoth earns prestigious Integrity Award as Rotarian
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
A special award was on his agenda when Rotary District 5100 Governor David Jay from La Center, Wash., recently made his annual visit to the Hillsboro Rotary Club. It is called the Integrity Award - presented to a Rotarian for his or her many years of Rotary activity and continued involvement. The special honor this year went to Ed Warmoth, past president of the Hillsboro Rotary Club.
Warmoth joined the Hillsboro Rotary in the early 1980s while employed in public affairs and traffic safety positions with Washington County. Upon retiring in 1985, Warmoth and his wife served two years as Peace Corps volunteers in the Dominican Republic, followed by time with the International Habitat for Humanity public relations program at headquarters in Americus, Ga.
Upon returning to Hillsboro, Warmoth became active in the Hillsboro club again and served as club president 1995-96. He received the local Leo Dal Santo Award in 1997. In recent years Warmoth has been a team leader for the annual Scholarship Rose Sale, and publicity person for the Hillsboro Rotary Club Fourth of July Parade and yearly Rotary Christmas Auction and Dinner. He is general chairman for the 2008 staging of the Rotary Fourth of July Parade.
Warmoth also has been an active volunteer with the credit union movement. He was a volunteer board member and served as chairman for the Washington County Community Credit Union, prior to the time it merged with Oregon First Community Credit Union to extend an office to Forest Grove. At present Warmoth is a volunteer credit union advocate for political action.
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Headlines: December, 2007; Peace Corps Dominican Republic; Directory of Dominican Republic RPCVs; Messages and Announcements for Dominican Republic RPCVs; Awards; Oregon
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Story Source: Oregon Live
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