Hargeisa, Somalia

Peace Corps Online: Directory: Somalia: Directory of Somalia RPCVs: 1967: william griffin served in Somalia in Northern Somalia beginning in 1967 : Hargeisa, Somalia

By Robert Ransley (215.pool85-59-109.dynamic.orange.es - on Thursday, April 24, 2008 - 9:49 am: Edit Post

Hi Bill,
I'm Robert Ransley. I posted some time ago on a travel blog, that I was a 9 yr. old in Hargeisa. My step dad was John (Jack) MacDonald. My mother was Mireya Zell (maiden name). I recall a Bill in the peace corps back then, by chance you weren't the doctor? My sisters' Amelie and Bobbie (Roberta) were also there as well as Jack's 3 boys, Jackie, Teddy and Tim. Amelie went on several trips into the bush with the PC. We must have met at some time or another because the PC was always over at our house or in the British club. You also must have met Father Felix, the Fransican priest.
My Mom seperated from Jack in August of '68 and we went to Rome. We returned to Hargeisa for a visit in Christmas of '68. In '69 we moved to Barcelona where Jack stopped by (possibly '72 or '73) due to a several hour layover in the airport. It was just for a few hours and that's the last we saw of him. I've done searches on internet for him and his children but to no avail.
I'd love to hear from you.

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