2008.04.17: April 17, 2008: Headlines: COS - Liberia: the Third Goal: Cape May County Herald: Liberia RPCV Virginia Hesel will present “The United States Peace Corps: A Personal Recollection”
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2008.04.17: April 17, 2008: Headlines: COS - Liberia: the Third Goal: Cape May County Herald: Liberia RPCV Virginia Hesel will present “The United States Peace Corps: A Personal Recollection”
Liberia RPCV Virginia Hesel will present “The United States Peace Corps: A Personal Recollection”
Virginia Hesel, of Cape May, was an elementary teacher and taught all over the world. Hesel, currently a member of Rutgers Cooperative Extension Master Gardeners Association, served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Liberia, West Africa from 1967-69.
Liberia RPCV Virginia Hesel will present “The United States Peace Corps: A Personal Recollection”
The Peace Corps: A Personal Recollection
Features | 4 days 7 hours ago | Comments 0
By On Deck Staff
The public is invited to enjoy an enthralling presentation about “The United States Peace Corps: A Personal Recollection” hosted by Virginia Hesel, a Peace Corps Volunteer in Liberia, West Africa from 1967-69.
The lecture begins at 7:30 p.m. on May 5 at the Main Branch of the Cape May County Library, 30 Mechanic St., Court House.
The lecture explores what the Peace Corps is, its history, goals and purpose in today’s world. In 1960 Senator John F. Kennedy challenged students to serve their country in the cause of peace by living and working in developing countries. Since that time, more than 190,000 Peace Corps Volunteers have been invited to work on issues ranging from AIDS education to information technology and environmental preservation.
The Peace Corps is alive and well with 47 years of volunteer service in 139 countries worldwide. Discover what is gained by serving in the Peace Corps and the opportunities available to volunteers of all ages. Find out what a volunteer does, where volunteers go, and the personal and professional benefits provided in the Peace Corps.
Virginia Hesel, of Cape May, was an elementary teacher and taught all over the world. Hesel, currently a member of Rutgers Cooperative Extension Master Gardeners Association, served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Liberia, West Africa from 1967-69.
For additional information please call 609-463-6350.
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Story Source: Cape May County Herald
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