2008.06.03: June 3, 2008: Headlines: COS - Ghana: Modern Ghana: The annual United States Peace Corps Ghana conference dubbed “Peace Corps National Stars Conference” comes off in Kumasi from June 05 to 09
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2008.06.03: June 3, 2008: Headlines: COS - Ghana: Modern Ghana: The annual United States Peace Corps Ghana conference dubbed “Peace Corps National Stars Conference” comes off in Kumasi from June 05 to 09
The annual United States Peace Corps Ghana conference dubbed “Peace Corps National Stars Conference” comes off in Kumasi from June 05 to 09
Touching on the venue for the conference, Ms Palma said the choice was deliberate. “It is to afford these students, some of whom have never travelled out of their village, the opportunity to have a feel of a university.” “Hopefully, they will be motivated to learn hard and aspire to gain admission into the university at the end of their senior high school course”, she said.
The annual United States Peace Corps Ghana conference dubbed “Peace Corps National Stars Conference” comes off in Kumasi from June 05 to 09
Peace Corps National Stars conference comes on in Kumasi
Tue, 03 Jun 2008
The annual United States Peace Corps Ghana conference dubbed “Peace Corps National Stars Conference” comes off in Kumasi from June 05 to 09.
For three years Peace Corps volunteers teaching Science, Mathematics, Visual Art and ICT in rural senior high schools in the country have been organizing the conference.
In a statement issued in Kumasi on Tuesday, Ms Melinda Palma, Coordinator of the Peace Corps volunteers, said the conference would bring together students from various schools to deliberate on topical issues affecting them and the youth in general.
She said topics to be discussed would include career options and the way forward in the choice of subjects, HIV/AIDS and leadership skills.
Coca-Cola, Fan Milk, Nestle and some banks will sponsor the conference.
Touching on the venue for the conference, Ms Palma said the choice was deliberate. “It is to afford these students, some of whom have never travelled out of their village, the opportunity to have a feel of a university.”
“Hopefully, they will be motivated to learn hard and aspire to gain admission into the university at the end of their senior high school course”, she said.
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Story Source: Modern Ghana
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