By Admin1 (admin) on Wednesday, June 27, 2001 - 11:03 am: Edit Post |
Official Peace Corps Information of El Salvador Programs
Official Peace Corps Information of El Salvador Programs
Official Peace Corps Information of El Salvador Programs
El Salvador is the smallest and most densely populated of the Central American countries. It is a country of volcanoes and lakes, forests and beaches, crowded cities and friendly villages. Volunteers coming to El Salvador will experience the richness of its culture and the warmth of its people.
Peace Corps/ El Salvador, which began in 1962, was one of the agency's earliest efforts. Since then over 1,500 Volunteers have served there. The program was closed in 1980 because of civil war and reopened in 1993, after the war had officially ended.
The following year, new Volunteers were incorporated into the three project areas of Agroforestry and Soil Conservation, Water Sanitation/Health, and Small Business Development. The Small Business program has since evolved into a new program, Municipal Development.
Recent natural disasters such as Hurricane Mitch in 1998 and the major earthquakes and aftershocks in 2001 have brought challenges and hardship. Much of the country suffers from a loss of fertile top soil, decreased crop yields, the displacement of peoples and limited access to health care and potable water. Some housing and major roads have been damaged, water sources contaminated, and latrines and waste management systems destroyed.
Today, Peace Corps Volunteers coordinate with local municipalities, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and community groups to develop better water systems, make health and sanitation improvements, provide environmental education, and assist municipal development projects. In the aftermath of the earthquakes, Volunteers have played a key role in providing damage assessments of their sites, which have assisted the government and local NGOs in facilitating the distribution of resources to the most affected communities.
Just as important as the Volunteer's primary job is the cultural exchange that occurs with the Salvadoran people. Volunteers live together with Salvadorans and teach each other about their histories, languages, and cultures.
Peace Corps has a very good reputation in El Salvador, built by Volunteers and staff over nearly four decades. Volunteers will have the rare opportunity to learn about this fascinating country, one of our closest neighbors to the south.