By Admin1 (admin) on Thursday, June 28, 2001 - 12:39 am: Edit Post |
Terry Dougherty's Afghanistan - Peace Corps Experiences
Terry Dougherty's Afghanistan - Peace Corps Experiences
Other PCV Web Sites
I was a Peace Corps Volunteer in Afghanistan
1972 to1975
If you have comments or suggestions, write me at:
My Photos - I'm just getting them organized
Afghanistan - World Fact Book
CIA World Fact Book - Afghanistan
Some other places to go to learn more about Afghanistan
Beautiful landscapes and people by Luke Powell
The orthopaedic project of the ICRC in Afghanistan
ICRC agricultural programme in Afghanistan
CARE - Afghanistan Relief Information
Amnesty International's Report - A human rights catastrophe!
Terry Dougherty, newly arrived PCV trainee. Jalalabad, 1972
I have changed in many ways since this picture was taken. I will always be grateful for the opportunity of serving in the Peace Corps. Afghanistan, too, has gone through many changes. I pray for a return to peace in Afghanistan. These great people have suffered enough!
Here I am talking to my students in the mulberry gardent in Taloqan.
A PCV gathering
The Thanksgiving day gathering in Kundoz at the home of the lucky married vols. Tom Lent, Sandy Applegate, Mary Beth and Howard Fletcher. That's Howard on the roof. The turkey was so stupid it drowned in the ditch before we could kill it properly. (Not Howard, we actually had a turkey!) We all played American football after dinner.
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By SORINA ( - on Monday, May 10, 2004 - 4:18 am: Edit Post |
my name is Sorina Ruxanda Andreea and I'm from Romania.i've read a lot about Peace Corps and i was impressed by your work. I kmow this is a very hard thing, it is not easy, you have to talk with people,listen to their problems, living in not very good conditions, with low resources.but, above all, you help people and, I, too want to do this thing.this isn't just a simpl adventure for me,but helping someone is a a very important thing for me. in my country such activities aren't efficient because the people are reticent and i'm looking for someone who realy wants to do something for the poor, seak, i would like to know, only if you want to help me, how can I enter in this organisation Peace Corps.I know that in this job i will give up to many things, but I want to do what I please send me some informations on my e-mail
By Anonymous ( - on Tuesday, April 15, 2008 - 12:41 pm: Edit Post |
why the F*** isn't the peacorps there now?
I am not scared of the Taliban, Al Queda, or the US Military. It seems like the peace corps has been sissified, used as a tool for imperialism, and pulled out of the dangerous places where there actually needed.
I want to go to places where people burn with hatred of america, and suffering, and immediate needs like food shelter, and water are luxuries. I want to starve, and slave like the rest of the third world. If the peace corps has that kind of program i'd sign up. (instead of just forming spheres of influence in resource rich nations.
By Anonymous ( - on Tuesday, April 15, 2008 - 12:35 pm: Edit Post |
why the F*** isn't the peacorps there now?
I am not scared of the Taliban, Al Queda, or the US Military. It seems like the peace corps has been sissified, used as a tool for imperialism, and pulled out of the dangerous places where there actually needed.