2008.09.10: September 10, 2008: Headlines: COS - Bolivia: Politics: Speaking Out: Election2008 - Palin: Mansfield News Journal: Bolivia RPCV Rebecca Langle writes: Palin insulted Peace Corps Volunteers
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2008.09.10: September 10, 2008: Headlines: COS - Bolivia: Politics: Speaking Out: Election2008 - Palin: Mansfield News Journal: Bolivia RPCV Rebecca Langle writes: Palin insulted Peace Corps Volunteers
Bolivia RPCV Rebecca Langle writes: Palin insulted Peace Corps Volunteers
"Her speech was more about attacking Obama's character than about actual problem solving. As a young 22-year-old, I served as a trained, grass-roots community developer. She paraded herself around in a swimsuit. I can only hope that the ripple effect of her remark will have far reaching, negative effects with every person serving others than themselves. Superficially, she may have a pretty face and make the Republican boys in Congress giggle, but her interior pipeline runs oily thick with a sour, narrow and ignorant flow of what community workers really do, or for that matter, what a vice president does."
Bolivia RPCV Rebecca Langle writes: Palin insulted Peace Corps Volunteers
Letters: Palin insulted Peace Corps volunteers
SEPTEMBER 10, 2008
Caption: Sarah Palin in Kuwait. Photo: asecondhandconjecture Flickr Creative Commons
I am a 66-year-old former Peace Corps volunteer who was profoundly offended by Sarah Palin's remark that community organizers were inferior to her.
In fact, I believe she may have alienated every Peace Corps volunteer still living, retired, returned or active, not to mention all the other organizations who help communities here and abroad.
Her speech was more about attacking Obama's character than about actual problem solving. As a young 22-year-old, I served as a trained, grass-roots community developer. She paraded herself around in a swimsuit.
I can only hope that the ripple effect of her remark will have far reaching, negative effects with every person serving others than themselves. Superficially, she may have a pretty face and make the Republican boys in Congress giggle, but her interior pipeline runs oily thick with a sour, narrow and ignorant flow of what community workers really do, or for that matter, what a vice president does.
She's a heartbeat away from being president. Is this what we want?
Rebecca Langley
Bolivia VII - 1964-66
Comments for Letters: Palin insulted Peace Corps volunteers
beachdude2 wrote:
I too was a child of the sixties and I applaud those who served by giving to others, Peace Corps
and otherwise. However, in no way shape or form does that experience qualify a person to
manage a candy shop, much less a state or country. Sarah was not belittling community
activists in general, merely Nobama specifically in the context of comparing it to governing
a state or city. There is no comparison. Lighten up Langley.
9/10/2008 1:03:13 PM
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TheSinner wrote:
Cleveland girl.
The majority of Obama's career was spent as a community organizer. In the Ill Senate, he voted "present" 100 times rather than take a visible stand on important issues. Not very effective there, was he.
What exactly, is in Obama's resume that qualifies him to be POTUS/CIC. Palin at least has had executive experience and is more qualified to back fill the presidency than Obama is to be elected.
I ask this question of every Obama supporter I encounter, not one has come back with a good answer. What I get is a repeat of his campaign promises.
9/10/2008 12:00:26 PM
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ClevelandGirl1 wrote:
Although I have not served in the Peace Corps nor been a community organizer, Sarah Palin’s inference of her mayoral experience versus that of community organizer was also greatly offensive to me. Unfortunately, Palin neglected to include Obama’s service as a civil rights attorney or his representation in the Illinois Senate from 1997 – 2004 while demeaning his humble beginnings. To compare Obama’s qualifications solely as a community organizer to hers as mayor is incredulously irresponsible and short-sighted. Excellent experience-based editorial, Ms. Langley.
9/10/2008 11:47:11 AM
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MSgt1 wrote:
Ms. Langley I will pray for you and everyone else who gets offended when a genuine person does not conform to the left
9/10/2008 10:56:41 AM
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bornagain99 wrote:
It is unfortunate, Ms. Langley, you were personally offended by the remark Gov. Palin made about none other than Barrack Obama. No where in her speech did she suggest you or anyone else who volunteered for the Peace Corps were not worthy people and to think this is how you choose a candidate is even more unfortunate.
9/10/2008 10:19:12 AM
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derf1 wrote:
Mrs Langley is far to thin skinned. And the comment about Palin attacking Obama's character? Obama doesn't attack others? Besides, she didn't attack his character, she attacked his so-called experience as a community worker, which he believes gives him more experience than her. Mrs Langley, I too hope you will not have to go into therapy.
9/10/2008 10:12:39 AM
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prdoctor wrote:
Ms. Langley,
I'd explain Ms. Palin's comment, but can tell by your tone that it wouldn't matter.
So, I'll just tell you that though your volunteer service is admirable, based on your experience my vote for president will go to someone else. Sorry.
9/10/2008 9:51:51 AM
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TheSinner wrote:
Well, Ms. Langley missed the point. Obama's major achievement in life has been a community organizer. That hardly qualifies him to be Chief Executive and POTUS/CIC. In fact he has NO execturive qualifications. Ask any Obama supporter what his qualifiying accomplishments are, and they won't answer because there isn't any.
9/10/2008 9:36:44 AM
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MoneyOverBeeches wrote:
That comment wasn't directed towards any person(s) or organizations other than Obama since he made a remark that a community organizer has more responsibility then the mayor of an Alaska town, which I must say in completely untrue.
Let's not take everything so personal!
9/10/2008 8:55:33 AM
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IAMBPC wrote:
Sorry I stopped reading after " profoundly offended ". Whatever it was sure must have been abhorrent. I hope you can eventually get past this and get on with leading a normal life.
9/10/2008 7:55:08 AM
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Story Source: Mansfield News Journal
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