2009.01.28: January 28, 2009: Headlines: COS - Ghana: Ghanaweb: Two American Peace Corps Volunteers, Michael Simpson and Alex Peterson have financed the construction of a computer laboratory at the cost of GH¢24,000 for the Junior High School (JHS) of Foase in the Atwima Kwanwoma District of Ashanti
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2009.01.28: January 28, 2009: Headlines: COS - Ghana: Ghanaweb: Two American Peace Corps Volunteers, Michael Simpson and Alex Peterson have financed the construction of a computer laboratory at the cost of GH¢24,000 for the Junior High School (JHS) of Foase in the Atwima Kwanwoma District of Ashanti
Two American Peace Corps Volunteers, Michael Simpson and Alex Peterson have financed the construction of a computer laboratory at the cost of GH¢24,000 for the Junior High School (JHS) of Foase in the Atwima Kwanwoma District of Ashanti
hey have also furnished it with 20 computers and accessories while the Atwima Kwanwoma District Assembly has donated 20 tables and chairs. Ms Beatrice Brenyah, Acting Head Teacher of the school disclosed this when she led Mr Joseph Kwabena Onyinah, Ashanti Regional Director of Education to inspect the laboratory on Tuesday.
Two American Peace Corps Volunteers, Michael Simpson and Alex Peterson have financed the construction of a computer laboratory at the cost of GH¢24,000 for the Junior High School (JHS) of Foase in the Atwima Kwanwoma District of Ashanti
American Peace Corps Volunteers finance computer laboratory for JHS
Foase, (Ash), Jan. 28, GNA - Two American Peace Corps Volunteers, Michael Simpson and Alex Peterson have financed the construction of a computer laboratory at the cost of GH¢24,000 for the Junior High School (JHS) of Foase in the Atwima Kwanwoma District of Ashanti. They have also furnished it with 20 computers and accessories while the Atwima Kwanwoma District Assembly has donated 20 tables and chairs. Ms Beatrice Brenyah, Acting Head Teacher of the school disclosed this when she led Mr Joseph Kwabena Onyinah, Ashanti Regional Director of Education to inspect the laboratory on Tuesday.
The inspection formed part of the Regional Director's tour to the newly-created district to inspect office and living accommodations allocated to the Ghana Education Service (GES) at Foase, the district headquarters.
Mr Onyinah said he was impressed with the accommodation and commended the community and the district assembly for the concern shown towards the development of education in the area.
He reiterated the importance of education in the socio-economic growth of the society and advised parents and guardians to send their children to school.
Mr Onyinah said it was the responsibility of the teacher to fully harness and develop the potentials of the child to make him an asset to the society. Mr Augustine Appiah-Kubi, Assembly-member of the area said a non-resident citizen of the area voluntarily donated the living accommodation to the GES while the district assembly converted an abandoned cocoa-shed into an office for the school. Mr Gyansah appealed to the GES to post a qualified ICT Inspector to the school to manage the laboratory. 28 Jan. 09
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Story Source: Ghanaweb
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