1966: Bo Razak served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in IRAN in Bushehr and Tehran beginning in 1966

Peace Corps Online: Directory: Iran: Directory of Iran RPCVs: 1966: Bo Razak served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in IRAN in Bushehr and Tehran beginning in 1966

By Admin1 (admin) ( on Sunday, March 29, 2009 - 8:59 pm: Edit Post

1966: Bo Razak served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in IRAN in Bushehr and Tehran beginning in 1966

1966: 	Bo Razak served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in IRAN in Bushehr and Tehran beginning in 1966

Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Bo Razak can be contacted at borazakaverizondnet

Country of Service: IRAN

Training Group: XI

Cities you served in: Bushehr and Tehran

Arrival Year: 1966

Departure Year: 1968

Work Description:

Health Education

Bring us up to date on your life after the peace corps:

On return I settled in the Washington, DC area. Finished college at American University where I started a campus crisis hotline. This led me to a variety of challenges and opportunites: County crisis service director: National Drug Abuse Training Center facilitator; Executive Development at US Labor; and eventually to my own consulting busines in leadership and workplace diversity and equity.

Any thoughts you have now looking back on peace corps days?:

I constantly draw on this life changing experience. There is no part of what I do personally or professionally that was and is not influenced by my two years in Iran. I left no great monuments there, no great impact, but did have good friends and grew tremendously.

Anyone you are looking for or would like to hear from?:

The whole Iran XI crowd. Bill Parks, JB Sampson, Jim Zdon, Marilyn Hake,Fred Moskol, the Diekelmans,

Any message for returned volunteers?:

Stay in your heart of giving. Tap all you know and learned from your experience.

Originally posted: 3/29/2009

Related Links:

Peace Corps Annual Report: 1966; Peace Corps Iran; Directory of Iran RPCVs; Messages and Announcements for Iran RPCVs

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