2009.04.16: April 16, 2009: Headlines: COS - Ghana: NGO's: Religion: Catholic Online: Ghana RPCV Ken Hackett, President of Catholic Relief Services (CRS) will be featured on the CatholicTV talk show
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2009.04.16: April 16, 2009: Headlines: COS - Ghana: NGO's: Religion: Catholic Online: Ghana RPCV Ken Hackett, President of Catholic Relief Services (CRS) will be featured on the CatholicTV talk show
Ghana RPCV Ken Hackett, President of Catholic Relief Services (CRS) will be featured on the CatholicTV talk show
Ken Hackett graduated from Boston College in 1968. Upon graduation, he joined the Peace Corps and was assigned to serve in Ghana. Mr. Hackett joined CRS in 1972, starting his career in Sierra Leone. Mr. Hackett has led CRS since 1993. He has received honorary doctorate degrees from several colleges. In 2004, Mr. Hackett was named a Knight Commander of the Papal Order of Saint Gregory the Great, one of the highest Papal honors.
Ghana RPCV Ken Hackett, President of Catholic Relief Services (CRS) will be featured on the CatholicTV talk show
President of Catholic Relief Services and Bishop Richard Malone To Be Featured on Catholic Talk Show
4/16/2009 - 10:17 AM PST
Catholic PRWire
WATERTOWN, MA (APRIL 16, 2009) - On Friday, April 17th, Ken Hackett, President of Catholic Relief Services (CRS) will be featured on the CatholicTV talk show “This is the Day”. Also featured will be Bishop Richard Malone from Portland, Maine.
As President of CRS, Ken Hackett oversees operations in more than 100 countries, with a global staff of nearly 5,000. Despite a large number of dedicated employees, CRS puts 93% of donated money into programs and spends only 7% of donations on administration, fundraising, and awareness.
Ken Hackett graduated from Boston College in 1968. Upon graduation, he joined the Peace Corps and was assigned to serve in Ghana. Mr. Hackett joined CRS in 1972, starting his career in Sierra Leone. Mr. Hackett has led CRS since 1993. He has received honorary doctorate degrees from several colleges. In 2004, Mr. Hackett was named a Knight Commander of the Papal Order of Saint Gregory the Great, one of the highest Papal honors.
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Headlines: April, 2009; Peace Corps Ghana; Directory of Ghana RPCVs; Messages and Announcements for Ghana RPCVs; NGO's; Religion
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 | Director Ron Tschetter: The PCOL Interview Peace Corps Director Ron Tschetter sat down for an in-depth interview to discuss the evacuation from Bolivia, political appointees at Peace Corps headquarters, the five year rule, the Peace Corps Foundation, the internet and the Peace Corps, how the transition is going, and what the prospects are for doubling the size of the Peace Corps by 2011. Read the interview and you are sure to learn something new about the Peace Corps. PCOL previously did an interview with Director Gaddi Vasquez. |
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Story Source: Catholic Online
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