2009.05.30: May 30, 2009: Headlines: COS - Swaziland: Times of Swaziland: Over 80 USA volunteers will be in Swaziland by year-end
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2009.05.30: May 30, 2009: Headlines: COS - Swaziland: Times of Swaziland: Over 80 USA volunteers will be in Swaziland by year-end
Over 80 USA volunteers will be in Swaziland by year-end
Such news were delivered by United States of America Ambassador to the country Maurice Parker during the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between the United States Peace Corps and Government of Swaziland on the HIV/AIDS Partnership Programme in the country.
Over 80 USA volunteers will be in Swaziland by year-end
Over 80 USA volunteers will be in Swaziland by yearend
By BRIAN MOHAMMED on May 30,2009
MBABANE There will be 84 United States volunteers before the end of the year in the country.
Such news were delivered by United States of America Ambassador to the country Maurice Parker during the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between the United States Peace Corps and Government of Swaziland on the HIV/AIDS Partnership Programme in the country.
In his remarks Parker highlighted that the signing of the agreement had led to him remember several areas in which both countries have worked together on.
“This signing shows expansion in relations between United States of America and the Swazi government and our government is committed to help in the development of Swaziland,” he said.
Parker added that his government, in the future will be working towards improving education in the country.
During the same occasion the Prime Minister Sibusiso Dlamini mentioned that there is a significant benefit in such assignments.
“To move from a comfortably affluent society into a developing country faced with a devastating HIV prevalence rate is a transition that challenges and then strengthens the emotional and moral fiber of the volunteer,” he said.
Dlamini added that these are wellmeaning people, who also realise that a further building block in their personal development can be obtained through helping to build a better life for individuals, their children and communities in developing countries.
“The Peace Corps programme continues to be an inspiration and its contribution to the development of our Nation is very much appreciated.
There is much evidence of the good work undertaken and the legacies that remain.
We shall always treasure that,” he said.
Dlamini on behalf His Majesty’s government thanked the Peace Corps and United States government for the support provided by the volunteers, and to cosign the Memorandum on HIV/AIDS Partnership Programme in Swaziland.
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Headlines: May, 2009; Peace Corps Swaziland; Directory of Swaziland RPCVs; Messages and Announcements for Swaziland RPCVs
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Story Source: Times of Swaziland
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