1961.11.01: November 1, 1961: Headlines: COS - Ghana: 1960's: Peace Corps News - Volume 1, No. 3: Fifty-one Volunteers are now teaching mathematics, history, chemistry, physics, biology, general science, English, French and other subjects for the secondary schools of Ghana - From The Volunteer Newsletter November 1961
Peace Corps Online:
Peace Corps Ghana :
Peace Corps Ghana: Newest Stories:
1961.11.01: November 1, 1961: Headlines: COS - Ghana: 1960's: Peace Corps News - Volume 1, No. 3: Fifty-one Volunteers are now teaching mathematics, history, chemistry, physics, biology, general science, English, French and other subjects for the secondary schools of Ghana - From The Volunteer Newsletter November 1961
Fifty-one Volunteers are now teaching mathematics, history, chemistry, physics, biology, general science, English, French and other subjects for the secondary schools of Ghana - From The Volunteer Newsletter November 1961
They were trained at the University of California at Berkeley and the University of Ghana at Legon.
Fifty-one Volunteers are now teaching mathematics, history, chemistry, physics, biology, general science, English, French and other subjects for the secondary schools of Ghana - From The Volunteer Newsletter November 1961
Fifty-one Volunteers are now teaching mathematics, history, chemistry, physics, biology, general science, English, French and other subjects for the secondary schools of Ghana.
They were trained at the University of California at Berkeley and the University of Ghana at Legon.
Links to Related Topics (Tags):
Peace Corps Annual Report: 1961; Peace Corps Ghana; Directory of Ghana RPCVs; Messages and Announcements for Ghana RPCVs; The 1960's
When this story was posted in September 2009, this was on the front page of PCOL:
Peace Corps Online The Independent News Forum serving Returned Peace Corps Volunteers 

 | Memo to Incoming Director Williams PCOL has asked five prominent RPCVs and Staff to write a memo on the most important issues facing the Peace Corps today. Issues raised include the independence of the Peace Corps, political appointments at the agency, revitalizing the five-year rule, lowering the ET rate, empowering volunteers, removing financial barriers to service, increasing the agency's budget, reducing costs, and making the Peace Corps bureaucracy more efficient and responsive. Latest: Greetings from Director Williams |
 | Director Ron Tschetter: The PCOL Interview Peace Corps Director Ron Tschetter sat down for an in-depth interview to discuss the evacuation from Bolivia, political appointees at Peace Corps headquarters, the five year rule, the Peace Corps Foundation, the internet and the Peace Corps, how the transition is going, and what the prospects are for doubling the size of the Peace Corps by 2011. Read the interview and you are sure to learn something new about the Peace Corps. PCOL previously did an interview with Director Gaddi Vasquez. |
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Story Source: Peace Corps News - Volume 1, No. 3
This story has been posted in the following forums: : Headlines; COS - Ghana; 1960's