By Admin1 (admin) on Thursday, July 05, 2001 - 5:07 pm: Edit Post |
Last Sunset of the Millennium in Western Samoa
Last Sunset of the Millennium in Western Samoa
We spent the weekend at the Vaisala Beach Hotel near Asau and went to watch the final sunset at Falealupo Beach. Actually everyone was at Tufutafoe Beach, which faced more directly southwest into the sunset. Just a half mile around the corner from Falealupo. No big difference. Many thousand people there, but by no means crowded as lots of room to find your space.
Two photos here - one of our group - I'm the only RPCV - and one of my family son Hector and wife Leuila.
Like to hear from anyone around the early years. I was Group 3. Still living in Am Samoa. My business takes me to Apia every other month, and we get over once or twice a year for a few days break. Entire country is now covered with good roads, electricity and many of the things we craved for in the 'old' days.
Rick Petri,