By Admin1 (admin) on Thursday, July 05, 2001 - 5:10 pm: Edit Post |
Friends and scenery from my time as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Western Samoa:
Friends and scenery from my time as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Western Samoa:
Friends and scenery from my time as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Western Samoa:
Sarah Owen, Sara Russell, and Cassandra Gilbert at Fagali'i Airport waiting for the plane to Pago Pago for our American Samoan vacation in January 1998.
Brenda Koerner, with whom I survived nine weeks of Peace Corps training in Siumu i Sasa'e. (Someone else took this picture and I copied it... hope they don't mind.)
The lovely Laura Brown, now Laura Laumatia, living in Pago Pago, American Samoa. This picture was taken out behind the Peace Corps lounge in Apia, W. Samoa.
Dashing young Australian medical student Andrew Steer attempts to climb a coconut palm on Nu'utele Island. James Atherton thinks he's crazy.
Janet, Aloi, and Deb Short in the gorgeous village of Samamea, W. Samoa, where Deb and I (and Paula and Burrwood) spent a blissful week in June '97.
Me and my mom at Piula (Upolu, Western Samoa) during Mom's visit in December 1997. The pool in the foreground is cold, clear freshwater and leads into a cave full of nifty fish. The water in the background is the warm, salty Pacific Ocean. Piula is quite possibly the nicest swimming spot in the world...
By Mark Murphy (mareko) on Thursday, August 02, 2001 - 3:29 pm: Edit Post |
Ever swam back under the cave at Piula? Now they've commercialized it a bit with cement steps, etc., but still pretty cool place.