Following his retirement, former Knox president John McCall and his wife Mary Berenice, enlisted for two years as Peace Corps teachers in Turkmenistan.

Peace Corps Online: Directory: Turkmenistan: Peace Corps Turkmenistan : Web Sites for Turkmenistan RPCVs: Following his retirement, former Knox president John McCall and his wife Mary Berenice, enlisted for two years as Peace Corps teachers in Turkmenistan.

By Admin1 (admin) on Thursday, July 05, 2001 - 5:54 pm: Edit Post

Following his retirement, former Knox president John McCall and his wife Mary Berenice, enlisted for two years as Peace Corps teachers in Turkmenistan

Following his retirement, former Knox president John McCall and his wife Mary Berenice, enlisted for two years as Peace Corps teachers in Turkmenistan

Following his retirement, former Knox president John McCall and his wife Mary Berenice, enlisted for two years as Peace Corps teachers in Turkmenistan.

Peace Corps Preparatory Program

Knox is the only Illinois school and one of only eight colleges in the nation with an official Peace Corps Preparatory Program — a curriculum designed to prepare students to serve in the Peace Corps.

The program includes coursework in language, education and international studies. Students are encouraged to participate in an off-campus internship or volunteer service project.

Knox has a long tradition of sending graduates to the Peace Corps, a U.S. government agency with 6,000 volunteers currently working in 90 countries. In the 1960's, Knox had one of the highest percentage of graduates in the Peace Corps of any college in the nation.

More recently, Knox has sent as many as five graduates annually to the Peace Corps. Following his retirement, former Knox president John McCall and his wife Mary Berenice, enlisted for two years as Peace Corps teachers in Turkmenistan, one of the former Soviet republics in Central Asia.

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Story Source: Knox College

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