2010.09.12: September 12, 2010: Swaziland RPCV Vincent D'Agostino is one of several HIV/AIDS case manager with AIDS Service Association Pinellas (ASAP)
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2010.09.12: September 12, 2010: Swaziland RPCV Vincent D'Agostino is one of several HIV/AIDS case manager with AIDS Service Association Pinellas (ASAP)
Swaziland RPCV Vincent D'Agostino is one of several HIV/AIDS case manager with AIDS Service Association Pinellas (ASAP)
Ironically, the man who is embedded in the HIV community didn't meet an HIV-positive person until after he graduated from St. Augustine's Flagler College in 2002. At 30, he has never really known a time without HIV, but he says he would have never dreamed during his college days that he would be so closely associated this ongoing health crisis. "What really started that was that I went into the Peace Corps right after college," said D'Agostino. "I just told them that I'd like to be assigned to Africa. So they sent me to Swaziland for two years to help care for HIV-infected persons in a village where the infection rate is likely 45% of the entire population of 2,300." After leaving the Peace Corps, D'Agostino didn't actively seek an HIV-related position. But he spotted the opportunity with ASAP when he saw a posting online. "Really, I needed a job after I got out of the Peace Corps," he says. "They called me and after seeing my experience with HIV/AIDS in Africa they hired me." That was more than three years ago, and since then D'Agostino has seen improvements in services but admits there are areas that could use more attention in Pinellas County. "I would say that we do a lot of things really well, but I think we need work on housing," he says. "We just don't have enough housing stock available. Over all though I'd say we are better than a lot of areas, maybe not as good as really big cities but a lot better than say if you lived in Citrus County were there are virtually no HIV assistance programs available." D'Agostino says what he likes best about being a case manager is when he can provide someone with something they really need. On the flip side, he says his biggest challenge, fear and concern is when there isn't anything he can do to help with a particular client's need. It appears obvious he cares deeply about those he is seeing.
Swaziland RPCV Vincent D'Agostino is one of several HIV/AIDS case manager with AIDS Service Association Pinellas (ASAP)
Watermark profiles behind-the-scenes heroes
09/12/2010 18:05:00
Staff Report
Tampa | Vincent D'Agostino is one of several HIV/AIDS case manager with AIDS Service Association Pinellas (ASAP) and rarely gets the praise and recognition he deserves.
He and over a dozen other case managers handle upwards of 1,000 HIV-infected clients in Pinellas County and assist with paperwork, getting social services, setting up housing, financial assistance and more. He personally oversees case management for 65 clients. He holds a B.A. in psychology and has written a book about AIDS in Africa called The Killing Disease.
Ironically, the man who is embedded in the HIV community didn't meet an HIV-positive person until after he graduated from St. Augustine's Flagler College in 2002. At 30, he has never really known a time without HIV, but he says he would have never dreamed during his college days that he would be so closely associated this ongoing health crisis.
"What really started that was that I went into the Peace Corps right after college," said D'Agostino. "I just told them that I'd like to be assigned to Africa. So they sent me to Swaziland for two years to help care for HIV-infected persons in a village where the infection rate is likely 45% of the entire population of 2,300."
After leaving the Peace Corps, D'Agostino didn't actively seek an HIV-related position. But he spotted the opportunity with ASAP when he saw a posting online.
"Really, I needed a job after I got out of the Peace Corps," he says. "They called me and after seeing my experience with HIV/AIDS in Africa they hired me."
That was more than three years ago, and since then D'Agostino has seen improvements in services but admits there are areas that could use more attention in Pinellas County.
"I would say that we do a lot of things really well, but I think we need work on housing," he says. "We just don't have enough housing stock available. Over all though I'd say we are better than a lot of areas, maybe not as good as really big cities but a lot better than say if you lived in Citrus County were there are virtually no HIV assistance programs available."
D'Agostino says what he likes best about being a case manager is when he can provide someone with something they really need. On the flip side, he says his biggest challenge, fear and concern is when there isn't anything he can do to help with a particular client's need. It appears obvious he cares deeply about those he is seeing.
D'Agostino was originally from Connecticut, but moved to Florida when he was 8 years old. His family still lives in Citrus County. He and his boyfriend live together in Tampa and are raising a cockapoo named Spencer.
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Headlines: September, 2010; Peace Corps Swaziland; Directory of Swaziland RPCVs; Messages and Announcements for Swaziland RPCVs; HIV; Public Health; Service
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Story Source: WatermarkOnline
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